
Yay Cyn! That is great!! Finally!

Laura, you're a breeder!

I have had a horrible time since I last posted! A tree fell on two houses next to us and crushed them. Worst storm we've seen in Atlanta in years! All of my delawares have ripped beaks from running into and scraping against hardware cloth, like Fattie did. The whole yard is a mudpit. And during all of this, I'm out of town, and have been worried sick about my family which I wasn't in touch with.
I finally got to talk to them and was so relieved!

On a bright note, my incubators got here! Ill be up all night on Friday candling, setting eggs and warming up the bators... Reading the instructions. I have delawares being set! I think ill keep a few!!

I love the looks of coronation sussex. They used to be so expensive, and they're becoming a new fad! LadyHawk, I hope that you enjoy them!
Nick that is horrible hope all turns out ok!

I on the other hand got good news today! I got a promotion! Completely surprised tho to toot my own horn i work my rear off and well deserve it! LOL

On the chicken side - my lil Rocks ( the little Rascals) - God love em- both hens laid their first eggs for me less than 48 hours of being with me! Prettiest eggs - kind of a pinkish almost tannish white. There are 10 nest boxes in there - built into the side of the coop - but of course they both laid in the same one! They are so tame and have to be the least flighty birds i have worked with. I go to open the door to their run and they are at my feet rubbing on my calves and pecking my feet till they happily go into their run each morning - needless to say i am in love
Well the new SLW chick has settled in nicely with the Orp,EE,Salmon chicks. She's like a big sister. I'm referring to HER as a SHE because another rooster I do not need!!
Knox, that is awesome!! BRs and dels are easily my favorite breeds! Last year, when I went back into chicken owning, my whole flock was of barred rocks. Now I only have one, Pepper, but I hope to add more soon! I just love them... Big, great layers, friendly, and a little crazy!

Brandon... Hoping for a she.

Nancy, I'm glad to see you posting here!
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D'Uccle over Delaware! That would be interesting! I bet Tasha's small enough to be mated by Beau, not sure if she would put up with it, though.

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