
Sprinkling garlic on their food helps sometimes to make it smell more enticing - and of course a tuoch of canned food mixed in helps with mine that ever go off their food -
We are now using 1/2 canned food even though she was raised on dry, but I think one of the better ones may help her appetite. She doesn't get table scraps other than a bite of chicken or scrambled eggs on occasion and I've started putting a dollop of plain yogurt in there since she seems to have issues with constipation. Also, we put a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil in it.
Cyn, I do hope your dog will be ok. A relative of DH's had a dog that was getting up in years and she started shunning food too. Their vet told them to try feeing her a hamburger rice mixture. She did seem to like that.
Here is my sweet marshmallow of a dog, Kes:


Kes and Lexie eying each other when Lexie was very young-may lose both of them this year.

She could be a twin sister to our old boy Sandy!
He was purebred Yellow Lab and lived to the ripe old age of nearly 14 years. I sure hope she starts feeling better soon, Cyn. Have you tried a little ACV in her water? I'm a true believer in ACV after everything I've read and the results for my own girls. Ya never know....might be worth a try.

It's gotten rather warm in your neck of the woods lately, hasn't it Cyn? Maybe she just looses her appetite when the weather grows warm like Jasper does. That boy will loose nearly 10 pound over the course of the summer here!
Keeping her in my thoughts and prayers. It's so hard to loose them after so many wonderful years together!
Well, Amy, it was warm. It's cold today and rainy. Tonight, will get down to 40 and in about a week, they're predicting 30's at night. Our last frost date is usually about the 3rd week of April. I have put ACV in her water, but only a couple times. And I just sprinkled garlic powder on her food. She want over, took a small bite and left. Tonight, we're all having porcupine meatballs, which of course, incorporate ground beef and rice, as Ink suggested. I'll try to make hers without too many spices, though.

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