
Unable to reach my relatives living near Guntersville AL which was hit really hard. Our home and animals are fine. Praying to reach them soon. Have a blessed day. Nancy
That is crazy Scott! A friend of mine who is going to be a professor there was to be there this week - but for whatever reasons they had cancelled his trip to AL. I mean i look at the pics i get goosebumps - simply amazing and horrifying. I feel so bad for those people. I cant even imagine. Someone at work was complaining that the cleaning crew put her garbage can on her chair and left it. I said really? Think of those poor people in AL - if that is the worst that happens to you today - then you are fine ...the garbage can is nothing - those people have lsot everything -
Yard full o' rocks :

Well.....very close call here last night. Had one tornado on the ground less than a mile from the house.

Check out these pictures....pix 15-21 are within 2-3 miles of my place. Fortunately only a few trees down here and a lot of limbs

Less than 1 mile from your house, Scott?! OMG, I am so glad you are safe! Those pictures are just heart wrenching.​
When the weather started getting bad last night all but 2 chickens went to the coop. I tried herding the last pair in.....the hen went in but the rooster spazzed out and ran past me back up to the top of the yard. So I left him out. Locked up the coop and went inside before it got too ugly. Felt bad for him but I am surrounded by huge trees and it is NOT safe to be out in bad weather like that. Might get squashed.

So I felt bad for him last night. Survival of the fittest yes......but still. That was NOT weather anything should have been out in.

But he made it! He apparently spent a good chunk if not the entire night in front of the coop. No cover, no windbreak, nothing. There was a lot of poop there so you could tell he was roosting on the landscaping timber there.

Near tornado conditions, torrential downpour (for hours), hgih winds and golf ball sized hail. And he survived unscathed.

Heard him crowing at 5 am and caught a big tomcat in my yard. No problems for him.

First girl out of the coop this morning was promptly grabbed and bred. I guess he might be a keeper after all. He is my young jersey giant/cochin boy.
Checking in here. All is well except for a half flooded outdoor pen. The girls are wanting to be ducks. We just had high winds and torrential down pours. Glad my friends are safe and praying for all the rest!!!
Nella, God Bless ya sweetie! You can always find the bright side in every situation!

Scott, that was just a bit too close for comfort. I'm so relieved to hear that you and yours made it through OK. Hope y'all don't have another night like that for a long time to come. That goes for everyone else in the path of last nights storms!

Nancy, I sure hope you hear from your family soon. Prayers winging their way to you now!

The images on the news are indeed heart wrenching. All that people worked so hard for, all gone. And the loss of life, both human and animal...all so terribly tragic. I've been through both floods and fire where we lost every material possession we had, but we still had each other. Buildings and possessions can eventually be replaced. Human life is another matter entirely. My heartfelt thoughts and prayers go out to all in the South.
It's so hard to completely comprehend, being so far away from it all. I can only imagine.......
We always seem to have a force field around us when things like this come through. Never have had major damage, at least not yet. We feel very fortunate.

For those of you who can handle some D'Anver cuteness today, check out these pics of the Magnificent Seven I posted for sexing help.
I am glad that boy survived the storm. He must be a keeper!

I just saw the cutest thing. My broody mama (BLRW) and her 3 chicks were out of the pen today. Mama went back in and one of the chicks got lost and couldn't find her way back. The BLRW rooster heard the chick and went around to the outside of the pen and got the chick and brought her to mama. It was so cute. I swear he was clucking like the mama does and got the chick to follow him. Chicken dynamics are so fun to watch!

Honestly, I think this rooster is doing a better job raising these 3 chicks than the mama is! I put him back in the pen with her and the chicks 3 days ago, because he just kept hanging out by their pen. He used to live there, too. I have never seen a rooster pick on chicks, though I HAVE seen other hens pick on them.
It's funny you should say that Kathy. I was just thinking the same thing about Gooby and his daddy. Chief is by far more tolerant of the little turd than any of his aunties ever thought about being. I've often seen Chief accompanying GeeGee and Gooby through the gauntlet of the aunties to make their way out beyond the gate to free range. The aunties don't dare pick on the little guy when Chief is escorting him!
What is it with those aunties? They're so gosh darn mean to the little guy!
Don't they realize that Gooby is Chief's one and [so far] only son?!?! Silly women!

And do y'all have any idea of just how hard it is to type a post with a 12 week old pullet on your wrist??? I do!!

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