
Naughty Beau! He sure has grown, though. Hoping it's Adonis, too.

The BBS Orp is zipping! Yay! I really wanted one of these. I love BBS anything.
Pepsnick, glad you had such a great hatch...Pretty little ones too! They are going to be very intelligent when they finish their book reading!!!
You know, the EE's are the one breed that I couldn't candle. I am amazed that 8/12 hatched! Well, 7/12, but I hope that the last one hatches. PLUS the incubator came unplugged for 5+ hours. Temp 70*f, humidity 84%.
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Outstanding at 7, still praying for that 8th one and all of that with power outage and a big swing in temp and humdity! Prayers were really answered for your hatch!!!! Well done and especially with new incubators!!! You did a good job!
Congrats on a very good hatch Nick. Next time, I'm sure you'll do much better. Just remember, no candling until day 7 at the earliest, and to keep your hands out of the 'bator till the hatch is done!!

By the way, Lissette was my Delawegger that I lost to Marek's. Cossette is the one who is still with me!
And she lays a beautiful blue/green/more to the blue side egg. She's a great little Delawegger! I want more of those, by gum!!

Kathy! That is one of the most horrifying things I can think of to have in such close proximity! Even if it is two whole counties away. Is it to the east or west of you where this is taking place? I sure hope it's to the east of you and that the prevailing winds keep it at bay.

Ya know, there just is NOTHING one can do about wild birds. They have to be our single largest breach of bio-security. We were completely inundated with English and Chipping Sparrows over the winter. I tried to keep the flock's feed inside the coop, but that didn't work very well. They [the sparrows] took up residence in the covered storage area we have adjoining the covered run, and there was just no getting rid of them! With or without food, they were there for the winter. They're small enough to slip right through chicken wire you know!
Sure, they're cute little buggers, and everyone loves the sounds they make. But, Jiminy Crickets! They can be such carriers of disease and never show a single outward sign that they are! I'm so relieved that they have moved on with approaching spring. Probably to build their nests, I would assume.....

And speaking of wild birds, and spring nesting seasons.....My sister sent this to me in an email tonight. Click on the link and then be sure to view all five pages. I think y'all will get a thrill out of seeing this! And you thought a broody hen was one of the sweetest sights on earth?

Sorry, but I didn't have time to get any pictures of Gooby and Charlotte today folks. Our new range is coming Thursday and I really needed to work on that tile floor in the kitchen/dining room area. Just about completely done with that now. Only 3 more full tiles and about a half dozen cut tiles to place. But after laying about 20 of them today, I was just all tuckered out. Doesn't help that I pulled a muscle in an unmentionable place and it's wrecking havoc with my ability to get down on hands and knees and do this kind of stuff!
Tomorrow, I grout after the last tiles go in. It's such a large floor, it will probably take me the better part of 2 days to get it all done. And then it has to be sealed 24 hours after that. But, the good Lord willing, I'll get a chance sometime in the next few days to snap some quick pics and post them here. Those two are growing up so fast! And Gooby is becoming quite the sweet little guy. He cuddles up every night with Charlotte now. If only I could get him to stay by her side during the day.
Thanks everyone!

Amy, I'm sorry! I got the names mixed up. Good luck on the tiles.

Speaking of bio-security, I had some very rude people over a few days ago. When I showed them the Oxine to spray their shoes, they thought that it was the most funny thing. So ignorant. Most people understand and respect it. These people weren't allowed to go see the chooks.
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