
Just checking in,

Don't feel to bad , remember the 60's and 70's? Hope you saved those clothes cuz they're sure to come back in style.

Kathi - For a ghetto coop it's very nice. Now I have to tell you I've got the BR's in the hoop coop and I hope that my DD will take pics with her new camera. I know I should break down and buy one but each dollar on the camera can be used to buy chicken stuff.
You have got to see my BBS from Claudia. I think she's real nice and the blacks from Jody. I'll try to get DD out there today.

I did build a new exterior nest box on the outside of the old coop and hope I don't get any frozen eggs this winter. It's inside the run which is covered with plastic in the winter so hopefully it won't be too bad.

Well take care ,

My old dog, Kes, almost 14 years old, the one we thought might be dying two months ago, couldn't walk without falling down, caught a huge possum this morning! She has cataracts, kidney disease, has lost tons of weight, sleeps almost all day, but this morning about 4:30 a.m., when DH let her out, he said she shot out the door like she was shot out of a cannon and before he realized what happened, she had a huge possum by the back of the neck. It didn't even get a chance to turn to run.
DH told her to drop that nasty thing, which she did, and it slowly, painfully waddled through the picket fence and off toward the woods. Amazing for my old girl!
Here is my sweet marshmallow dog:


Thank you, we think so, too. She was abandoned as a puppy by a highway, picked up by a couple who took her home, but their old dog hated her. They put her outside, then realized she wasn't an outside dog, being afraid of loud noises, etc. So they gave her to the local humane society. We adopted her as a companion to our then three-yr-old boxer/retriever mix, Cody. Cody died a few years ago at the age of 12 and Kes is still with us. Guess she still has some life in her!

She's a pointer/lab cross with a very soft mouth. Once she was coming toward me, carrying something in her mouth, very slowly. I asked her what she had, told her to put it down and she laid an egg at my feet, a smelly rotten egg one of the girls obviously had laid out on range somewhere.
This is my sweet ole girl Sadie - she is soon to be 14! She is the daughter of my dog that i rescued - he wasa pedigreed dog that was abused. His nails weregrown around into his pads - he had not seen the lighth of day - kept in a cage inside. I cleaned him up spent countless hours socializing and turned him into a show dog. When i finally retired him he was number three in the country for his breed! Now she is a retired show dog and her one and only litter - all are champions! And two are international champs - one lives in FInland and one in Ireland. Not bad for a gene pool starting with an abused dog - yes i pat myself on the back for this! LOL

And this is my other lil stinker - another rescue - came from a puppy mill in missouri - couldnt get my hands on him the first 3-4 days - would just bark and growl at me. NOW i cant get him to leave my side! He is the main one that challenged the Rott the otherday when we got attacked. He LOVES his chickens!


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