
Here's Rex with one of his girls-they're 19 weeks old. Still not crowing, not mating, not feeding the girls. This boy is taking his sweet time, for sure!


And one of the porcelain D'Anvers, Aubrey, who is full of himself.


aaawwww Aubrey is such the little Man

Well I am 98% sure the adoptees are indeed white rocks...I am positive I saw red earlobes today. Now the plan for them a small sleeping space that I can lock them into at night...nothing fancy maybe a 4 x 5 with a nestbox....they are gonna be free rangers obviously as so far there is no fence that will contain them hahahahahaha I figure smaller space for sleeping only and I can add a roost or two, a window and voile' safe bedroom for the rocks.

Ah so much to do and get this mother in law is coming for a visit Sept. 2nd for and I am quoting her "4 or 5 days or whenever I decide to leave" Can we all say HOLY CRAP

I really need to keep at my coop so I can move in there with Lancelot when I get him back out there, at least for a week.
Lady hawk - the music in behind that statement " or when i decide to leave " would be duh duh suh - very onminous as all the characters look in horror at the camera LOL
Cyn, they are beautiful! My BR cockeral and pullets are close in age to yours and the cockeral is not crowing yet either. I have noticed that they will not perch on the roosts. Instead they sleep on top of the dropping board.

LH, you have my deepest sympathies
Morning all....must be something about these "exhibition bred birds" 21 week old BRs (Jeremys line) are like yours Cyn. Not crowing, not mating....not nothing. My girls from this group are not laying and aren't acting even close

BUT, get this, I have 8 CR cockerels that are now 7 months old as of Aug 4th (guess really almost 8 months old) that are the same way. Occasionally hear an "alarm" from one of them, but other than that, NOTHING, NADA, NOT A WORD. I noticed that several of them are sparring pretty regularly and a bit more aggressively so MAYBE the hormones are finally kickin' in. Oddly enough, their sister (hatchmate) who is the same age is still not laying.

I guess the hatcheries truly do breed for "egg production" and early maturity 'cause I've NEVER had an 8 month old not laying yet....oh well

Nice cool morning again here...lovin' it.

Take care all
Thanks, Matthew! He's some nice eye candy around here. I'm very pleased. And so far, still a very calm, good-natured boy as well.

Scott, one of the girls was investigating the nests a couple days ago, first time I've seen them show any interest at all. I'm sure that the splash Rock or one of the EEs will lay before any of the three BR girls.
Good morning all my SDWD friends! Geeesh, this working schedule sure takes away my computer time!

Cyn, your birds are looking lovely as ever! Don't ya love that beautiful barring!

I am sooooooo enjoying this weather of less than triple digits!

Mike is home and out mowing already this morning. Got lots of outside work to do, as usual.

You all have a great day!

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