
Woot...Delilah is getting her tail tore up everytme she moves. Lancelot sees her and he thunks her good or shoved her head in the sort and screams at her. LOL. This morning he came running put of the coop chest all puffed out and he grabbed her by the head and shoved her head down, jumped on her and screamed ar her, thunked her a few times, jumped up and down on her back a couple times screamed again climbed off her and thunked her again giving her a little shake. She was screaming at me for help and I said "so sorry sister you are on your own unless he draws blood" and I walked away. She is hiding in bush and growling at anything that moves. OH WELL

Gloria jean. Cyn has hatched me a Suede boy so I really do not need the splash, hopefully you can find him a good home. I will keep thinking in it though.
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Good for Lancelot, sounds like he has become a real head roo! Hope he has mercy on her fairly, soon, though, I do hate to see a hen get bonked around, even if she does deserve it!
Beth, I have Barred Rocks, Delawares, New Hapmshires, Icelandics, Jersey Giants and a sweet Olive egger & a possible Orp from Kathy. I also have some Black Austrolorps, EE's, and some year old Delawares.
Laura Lancelot and I thank you for the gift. Hubby was confused when he came back from Post Office and said "Honey....Lancelot and you have a package". I was like huh? Hahahahaha. He is going to hang it for me in the next couple of days when I decide where to put it. Thank you so much.

It reads: "Caution Area Protected by Attack Chicken Security Co"


Lancelot watching as Athena and Ruby check it out. Delilah was hiding before her escape yesterday!
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I know and he was very excited to get mail. He sat there assisting me open the package and examining his new sign. He was very pleased. The girls were complaining that their butts look so much bigger in person compared to that hen on the sign...they were talking about laying off the mealworms and kitchen goodies for a bit.
Laura does find the bestest signs, doesn't she!?! Denny put up my wonderful gift from Laura at the entrance to our place. People actually slow down out on the main road to read what it says!
12 years of griping, complaining and begging folks to slow down out there, all to no avail. Along comes Laura [figuratively speaking] with that great little sign and folks have finally slowed down!!
Go figure! Had I known that, I would have put up a ton of humorous signs long ago!
Oh well, better late than never, eh? Thanks again for that great bit of thoughtfulness Laura!

Beth, I am so very happy to see you back! I missed you terribly around here, as did everyone else. I sure hope this means we're going to be seeing a whole lot more of you now!
Please, do fill us in on what has been going on with you for the last three or four months. I'm dying to hear!

Have I mentioned lately how much I love my little Del roo, 'Milio? He's such a little lover! Tonight, when I went to count beaks and tuck everyone in, 'Milio was down in the center nesting box, along with Maddie. So, I knelt down to give them some good night cuddles. 'Milio stretched out his long neck, draped his head over my shoulder, snuzzled his face into my hair and whispered sweet little chirrups into my ear.
He's such a sweet boy!

So far, I think he's going to remain that way all of his life [may it be a long one!
] He's the absolute opposite of what Goobey was at the same age. At 18 weeks of age, Goobey was already a consummate PITA. Albeit a lovable PITA, but a PITA none the less! 'Milio hasn't got a mean bone in his body nor feather for that matter. And it's a good thing too! At 18 weeks of age, he's already taller than Goobey by a good head and a half. He'll be quite formidable when he gets his full growth, I'm sure! And he sure loves his girls. He has already figured out that good manners means giving the girls the best of everything. Goobey has yet to learn that!
'Milio is just an all around great little guy. You were right Kathy.....It was simply meant to be!
I think they call that destiny, huh?
Kathy!!! I just wanted to drop in and say I'm so excited for you w/the Del project!!! Congrats on the yellow chicks
I know you've got to be SUPER excited to get that many... wasn't it supposed to be a 1 in 40 chance or somethin? Looks like you've beat the odds
Now there's a sign that would mean nothing here. Lord have mercy I grabbed a white orp to go yesterday and you should have heard him scream. It was the worst I've ever heard a chickens yell. Good God you'd have thought I was going to eat him. Also I've yet to have a mean rooster. Thank God.

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