
COOL! wishing you the best of luck in your endeavor.

Hey there har you live in what used to be my old stomping grounds(Tontitown,Springdale,Fayettville, Pettigrew,Elkins all out in those hills I love it would be a wonderful place to retire to) from about 1997 to 2006. NW Ark,. yeah!, cool people and a cool place to live IMO hope to get back up there someday, and my bro lives down the road
from you over in Russellville.

Glad to see you in the mix on this project and once again thanks to Mrs. Kathy for getting the ball bouncing on this deal,


If your ever up in this area look me up. I would love to talk chicken with you.


Sure will if/when I do make it up that way and hope to make it on up to Nevada, Mo to visit Timberline farms and it occupants also, when, I have no idea, but someday. I have lots of friends and X-relatives(well they're not all x-ed) but you know what I mean were all still in good standings with one another. Even me and the X

BTW my brother I mentioned earlier in Russelville his call name on here is biomistake he's not on much anymore these days as his schooling and work keeps him too occupied at the time but I'll let him in on you and your location + you being a fellow project'er in the Delaware program and you could pm him too, maybe. He's a chicken nut too and was in on the project too but had a predation attack by a bobcat and wiped him nearly out of the chicken business but this Dec. when he comes down I'm gonna reload him with layers and he's gonna get atleast a trio of projects from me to mess with as he was really hy-ped up about it at the time this was all kicking off so I'm gonna share a few with him so he can play too, right?

I feel that my hatch(F-2's) is complete, I got 5 yellow's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, 1 buff or New Hamp pretty dark for a buff but hopefully a buff, and 20 barred or black. I think thats pretty good number of yellows considering I started with 35 eggs. I just have styrofoam bators. Some day when I become rich and famous I will get a sportsman.

Kathy how many eggs do you have hatching on the 19th(F-2's)
Kathy, that hat with the long wattles dangling and the eyes opening in the red....get that one, I will wear it!

I am up and getting ready to sweep and steam mop my floors and do last minute cleany things before the appraiser shows for the 10:30. Cross your fingers all.

Zoooooooom. Be back later
Morning all,
I have been gone for 5 days and just returned last night. A lot to catch up on. I left nice cool temps here and when i got to the coast it was 91!!!!!!!!!! I thought I would croak.
My hens look like they have grown up while I was away. I heard an egg song
but it was a false alarm. I heard this weird noise from the coop. When i went out it was syncronized crows by two of the roos. The NH and the part English bl roo. High pitch and Low .
What a sound. Crazy roo's They are so funny. I now have them in their bachelor pad.
I see some beautiful hens and roos too on the site.
Yeh!!! I am home. Gloria Jean PS Love the hats

Nella my dear - PLEASE dont tell me you indeeed got one of those skinny pigs!?!?! ACKKK! LOL

And FYI - i could rock out that chicken beer hat and act like i was walking the runway in paris - just an FYI LOL
Ahem, yes. That is Pancho the nekkid guinea pig aka skinny pig. Now he just needs a girlfriend

Knox, you should get that hat and wear it to crossroads. Have I mentioned that I am more excited to buy things in IN than anything else? Lol
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