
Not Meg.
So sorry to hear about Meg. She has brought you much happiness and joy, I know.

Here are some pictures of the oldest F2s. The first 2 pictures are the only 2 females. In the next group of 12, I might have one female, but am not sure on that. In the last hatch, I am pretty sure there are no girls.






No when I go there it usually involves knife throwing. Like the night I skewered a young possum to a kitchen door with every knife in my knife block! Why you ask? Wolf brought it in, it played dead, he got bored and went upstairs, possum unrolled and started looking for way out of house, I walked into kitchen in bathrobe in the dark, possum ran across my foot and under my robe, I flipped on light and started throwing knives at the "intruder" and ended up skewering the possum to the cabinet door. WHILE screaming like a cross between a banshee and a sissy girl. I was screaming "AH Beady Eyed Rodent! Bastardo! and squealing eeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwww" *blushing* but that was years ago (8 years) I rarely throw knives these days but I do still like sharp shiny things

Ah ever get the idea I am dangerous when startled? *smirk*

Beth, you are sooooooooooooo not alone Trust Me!
Cyn, you have my heartfelt sympathies for your Meg.
My sweet little FussyButt is in that same age bracket [she'll be six in March] and I know that her time left on this Earth is probably not all that long.
I will cry my heart out when she goes. She is the sole survivor of my original flock now.

Things just haven't been the same for FussyButt since we lost her clutch mate, Brewenna, a few months ago. Without her life long buddy by her side, I fear she may be giving up by inches and degrees. Though she does still ask to be picked up and cuddled, and she is still very good at defending herself, I've noticed that her eyes seem tired these days, and she doesn't carry herself with the vigor that she once had.

We do everything within our power to keep them healthy and happy. But sometimes, the ravages of age just cannot be fought. It is at that point that we have to do whatever is best for them. We can only make them as comfortable as we can, and when that is no longer possible, and we have to say good-bye, then at least we can do it with love and compassion. May that day be miles down the road for both of us my dear friend.
Wow ! you did it you have dels. Do they have good tails and shapes? They are awfully pretty at this point. I had one del. from Scott years ago and she looked just like a he until egg laying time. Nice comb and all. Sweet thing too. Gloria Jean
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Meg is on her feet and griping a bit this morning. Debating what course of action to take with her. Guess some Tylan might help dissipate whatever fluid might be in her lungs, if that's what's happened like with Olivia, though it's not preferred for EYP. Could do penicillin, but not sure it will help much and neither will fix congestive heart failure (though, I'm not a vet and can't be sure that's what's going on, of course). We need to check her abdomen and see if draining her may be an option to make her more comfortable like we did Olivia. I sort of believe there is a cascading deal here, with multiple things happening, exacerbated by her age. In any case, she's talking to me today. Will update later.

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