
Brandon, sorry you're sick! Kathy, sorry about the broody's chick, too, dang it. Meg was really bad last night-we didn't sleep, listening to her, expecting the death throe wing flap any second, but this morning, she actually seems a bit better, so maybe that was rock bottom last night and she's on the upswing.
I'm doubting heart failure now because her color isn't very off as I would expect with that, so just plain old pneumonia. Wish she wouldn't keep sitting on the damp ground all the time-no idea why she does that constantly.

Oh, here is Georgie and Ike's son at 6 weeks old, since this is sort of a Delaware thread. Looks very promising to me!

Kathy, can I move to Missouri and live with you? So that I can just sit and stare at those beautiful Black Orps all day long?

Who's line are they from?

Your Lavs are very pretty too, they honestly look to have better type and feather quality than most I've seen pictured online.
I'm going to go back a page and drool some more now...
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Well of course you can, Jeremy! I can always use more help here!

My Orps all originate from Julie and Joy. My Lavenders are 5th generation from hinksjc birds. They are penned with the English Imports for improvement in the next generation. I will have Blacks-split-to-Lavender for the next season...... THEN, I hope to have some more Englishy type Lavenders.
Well of course you can, Jeremy! I can always use more help here!

My Orps all originate from Julie and Joy. My Lavenders are 5th generation from hinksjc birds. They are penned with the English Imports for improvement in the next generation. I will have Blacks-split-to-Lavender for the next season...... THEN, I hope to have some more Englishy type Lavenders.

I have two black roos from Hinkjc and they are nice too. While the lavs I got from her are nice the roo and one hen are not to my likeing so I'll have to breed to the blacks.

Now the chicks I have coming are the Birchen Marans and Swedish Flower hens. I got tired of putting it off. Both GF.

Kathy there is no way I'm giving you my phone number. Where would me and my chickens go if I got tossed out. Right to your door that's where.

With all the new hens in the coop I'll be breeding a few select Del hens and dumping the rest come spring.
Ellie, feeling much better, gaining weight, etc. She's pretty dirty from dustbathing, but here's my girl today:


Isaac, finishing his molt (where is his tail??) and Gypsy with actual feathers for once!


Oh, watch out, Isaac! Georgie was flirting with Suede today until Dusty broke it up and said "Beak off my man, hussy!" in that last picture. Georgie was actually grooming him through the fence!




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