

Now THAT is weird!!!
Kathy its funny you say that. I have a blue cochin hen - she has always been a dark blue. Well she started molting amonth or so ago - and at first she was mottled - really light feathers spotted all over. She reamins that way to this day - same tihng as you . I need to get a photo
What so wrong with that, huh?? I feed mine quite frequent in just my boxers and house shoes.

See? Normal for around here in the country..someone says anything about it we have the right to shoot them.
What so wrong with that, huh?? I feed mine quite frequent in just my boxers and house shoes.

See? Normal for around here in the country..someone says anything about it we have the right to shoot them.

So all those things I hear about Kentuckians is true?
Here I thought they were all just jokes.
You have my sympathy! Actually, I have a couple more I would happily send to you. You know, just being helpful on my part.... they could keep Annie company.

Please this is nothing, I finally got DD and hers and Darcy to move out ,but they moved in with his. The arrangement is for his parents to help them buy a mobile home. Which is an oxymoron since they are never moved once they're parked in a "park". Anyhow they were here for 14 months. Lord have mercy I swear I can't believe I raised this child. He has no license still, due to DWI or some darn thing. Which I didn't know at the time. She being preg and all and having fainting problems before the baby was born, I agreed to let them move in. She is my baby of course.

So now they're with his and they both hate it, cuz they were so spoiled here. Dinner on the table and baby help. I didn't think I'd get them out with out the cops to move them, which I did call once while they were here when he and I got into it. He would have gone to jail for sure, but I said never mind and called his father. He did get arrested once for driving without a license and I said "call his parents, I got no money to bail him out". Wake me up in am arguing about hurring to get his butt to work. There's so much more but no sense dwelling on it.

I miss the baby , cuz her and I would go for walks and sing together. For the longest time I was the only one she would give a kiss too.

Well other DD got fired from her job and she's here painting the upstairs and moving back. Help me Jesus! She's single. Didn't finish her degree but now expects to go to nursing school. Which by the way the other DD failed twice! Both get free tuition due to DW's job.

So believe me I'm not thrilled. I never mentioned all this goings on before.

This darn computer is acting up.

Kathy - I emailed your KY story to family and friends as though it was me and they all willingly believed it. I put a disclaimer at the bottom, but clearly I know what they think of me now.

No chicks today, but were due. I hope they make it ok and he gets his shipping money back. Weather cold and rainy.

Well take care,

Are these the Brahama? Where the heck are mine? Now I am depressed.

Yes! They all made it safe and sound. However, one was weak and just died. He had a heat pack in the box and also Gro-Gel. Nice packing with that. The heat pack was still warm.

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