
I like Tootsie! If I get some Chocolates I'm naming my pullet that!
GMTA Scott. I was thinking of Cadbury myself. Dove chocolates are good too and would serve well for the girls name. Lindor anyone? How about M & M's? That way, it doesn't matter which one you meant, you'd always have the right name!
Or how about Snickers? Baby Ruth for the girl? Mr. Goodbar for the boy?
Oh! I kill me! I'm so full of it!!

We had a near miss from the skies today! Denny and I were in the living room, looking out at Chief and the girls having a wonderful time out free ranging in the back yard, when the biggest dang Cooper I've ever seen in these woods dropped straight out of a tree and darn near landed right on top of poor little Penny! It liked to scare all of us half to death!

Denny went tearing out the back door and I made a bee line for the shotgun! It had to have been a young and inexperienced bird, because he missed Penny by several inches! Thank God! Anyhow, by the time I finished tripping over the dog and got the shotgun to Denny, the cursed thing had made good its escape. Empty talons and all! It took nearly two hours to get Penny to come out from under the porch. She's fine. Not a mark on her, but I'm sure she'll have little chicken nightmares tonight.
Needless to say, no free range time for a few days. I'll be darn if I'm going to set the table for that wretched creature!
That is scary Amy! Glad nothing bad happened - darn hawks are everywhere heck there are ones i see in the parking lot here at work all the time now - heart of the city - crazy things

Kathy those chocolates are so awesome. I say Milk and semi sweet teehee

Ok if anyone is ever looking for broody chickens? look no more - darn cochins - i have a hen that has gone broody and she is fierce about it - and me tryign to break her. 3 days of rain - 4-6 inches worth - nights in the 30's - i mean really ? You dingbat hen!
Good morning to you all! Boy, did I ever sleep! 8PM - 7AM
I'm surprised I didn't even wet the bed!

Suppose to get up to 50 today.
Tyler said he would help me reload litter in the coops, since I didn't get it done yesterday.

Tyler's vote for naming the chocolates was Barrack and Michelle.

I think I will go with Brownie (male) and Ghia (female).

Hope you all have a great day! Keep warm!
Hi everyone,
Well we dodged the bullet last night no snow that stuck. Yeah!!!!!!!!! I love to see it but it makes taking care of my flock difficult. All are doing well.
Beth, did you get any that stuck. That Del is looking more and more like a broody. She sounds terrible. cluck, cluck But is not setting yet. When she does if you have any of the large del type fertile eggs I will contact you.
My flock continues to lay and it is increasing its num.s of eggs. The size of the eggs are beginning to get a bit larger too. My most prolific is my Olive Egger. Who would have thought that the one I did not ask for would be the most beautiful and best layer.
Thanks Kathy.
Shelby - behaving. That is like saying "military intelligence" Cyn.

I vote for Barrack and Michelle. *snicker*

I want another massage the one this morning did not last long enough. Waaaaaaaaah

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