
My broody with her 4 chicks today. The Silver Laced Wyandottes appear to be 1 male and 2 females. I think the lacing is looking pretty good already; at least on the females. The male is still behind on feathering in. He should catch up soon. Not sure on the New Hampshire yet, but am thinking it may be male.



The sun was shining so bright, it was hard to get a picture that looked decent. Anyway, here is a pair of Buff Barred (Project F2s).

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I can hardly wait to mate them. I hope they breed true. I was thinking that if the Delaware F2s breed true, then maybe these will too.

I'll cross my fingers with you.

I bet they are going to be stunning when they're mature.
Had a root canal yesterday. Suprisingly pain free. Took some advil yesterday but nothing since. This was a tooth I had a big filling in years and years ago....then broke it a few years back. Then had a new filling put in where the broken part was. Well, when they were working on the root canal, the filling broke off again. So I have a little temporary thing on, but have to go to the regular dentist to get it fixed. Have an appt for monday to get the "pre-crown" work down, which should involve a temporary cap. If I can get it "seated" by the end of the year, it will finish out my FSA funds nicely. Sigh.

Will get the next root canal in January. You know, the one I was supposed to get yesterday before the other tooth abscessed and needed one.

Dr appointment tomorrow. Had bloodwork done a couple weeks ago and when they called to give me results, they said I had to come in to discuss them. It sounds worse than it is.....It just confirms I am a hormonal heifer.

Apparently I am falling apart.
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Nella I sooooooooooo understand.


I have decided to run to TSC this morning and get me insulated boots with liners and insulated overalls for chicken and Diva Do chores Woot

Insulated, quilt lined, bibbed for 54.99 - 59.99 ladies and they have extra small sizes

I might not look fashionable but I shall be snug as a bug and warm Woot!

We are making our first official mortgage payment on this place today YAY ours at last!

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