
That's a good idea but this time of year it is hard to find any plus I am paranoid. I should have let her have more than one egg
Hey there Sdwders. Well, at 12:01 AM this morning I hit the big ol 44
yep I'm getting ever so slightly closer to reaching the peak of the hill right, over the hill is 90
if my memory serves me correctly. Oh shoot if I'm relying on memory then that was about 12 years back when I lost my mind and decided to get married thank goodness that only lasted not quite a year though and I gained some of my sanity back.

Gday everbody

He is already spoken for, Kathy. I honestly don't need another rooster around here!

I'm really worried about my Buff Orp pullet, Gracie, who is about 34 weeks old. She is acting very lethargic today. She looks fine, has been laying-her eggs are even fertile by Suede. Today, she is standing around with her eyes closed. When I caught her to check her out, she seems way too light. That group was wormed at the beginning of summer, but just in case, we re-wormed her today. You'd think if there was something internally wrong, like with my Del pullet, Cassidy, and her bad heart, that it would have shown up before now. I hope I don't lose her, but she doesn't look well at all. Hope is on a nest, so when she gets off, I'll catch her and check her weight as well. As fluffy as they are, it's hard to tell when they're losing weight unless you actually pick them up.

On a brighter note, Dusty has laid her first post-molt egg today.

ETA: Hope is sufficiently chunky, so Gracie has lost weight. So odd.
Cyn, are her feathers puffed at all? I have trouble with Cocci here, and that is how my girls look when the seasons change and stuff comes out in the soil. They lose some weight, and then get sleepy looking and fluff up.
No, not really. She just seems sort of tired. Everyone else is fine. I've never had cocci in adults here, at least not yet. I gave that group a bowl of oatmeal cooked in milk, with added Avia Charge and yogurt. She acts okay, then will act very tired. No bloody poop at all. And now, Hope is in a nest tonight. She's done it before at bedtime, then got out and got on the roost like she ought, but I swear, that girl is going to be one of my future broodies.

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