
I was very happy to get an egg from the Orps pen today!
First one since they finished molting.
I think I will. I won't really have too many eggs to set though. Well, unless I just set eggs from the layers coop. I might do that, and just give away the chicks. Heck, just for fun anyway.

I thought I might. I had been looking for eggs but didnt see any I wanted that was affordable. However there are Barred Holland eggs on EBAY. Saw them while I was browsing. If I do participate Ill use some out of my layer pen. Getting a egg a day here so far,lol
Eggs? What are those again...I vaguely remember someone talking about them a long time ago in a land far far away. I got 2 things in my coop today, one was green and the other one was brown.

Amy, the Tiny Terrorist attacks during the day too. You do remember she is sight impaired don't you? Light makes no difference to that nitwit. But she is just vicious when you go into the coop after everyone is closed up...time of day does not matter. Treats just mean you get attacked when you do not have them too.

Brandon, you can do it darling. I am praying for you. How is mom doing?
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I have 12 hens, pullets and am getting 5-9 eggs a day. But! two are trying to go broody on me.UGH!!!!!!! Why????? It's the wrong time for me. I will not be here consistently the week of Christmas to monitor them. Sooooo they will not get any eggs this time. At least not till Jan.

They are predicting snow here tonight.
Its pretty but makes it hard to get to the coops.
Hang in there with the smoking stopping. It takes time and LOTS of effort.
Gloria Jean
Omigosh, omigosh, great news! Meg laid an EGG! First egg since right after I collected the ones that Hector hatched from, months ago!! We had her in the hospital cage to be sure her crop was okay after she waterlogged herself. Tom found an egg this morning!
Amazing! First, Becca, then Ellie and now Meg, back into production! Tom even said...wait for it....."you almost want to hatch it".

Brandon, you WILL do this! Of course, it isn't easy, but it's so worth it. I watched my MIL die at a few years older than me from emphysema and now, my BIL who is a couple years older than me is on oxygen and disability and still smoking.
He may not make it as old as his mother did.
Eggs? I am getting them - but they are so icky and muddy since on Monday alone we had about 3 inches of rain in less than 24 hours - I knew God created rubber boots for a reason .
And of course people i sell eggs to slowed down and now they want like a dozen a day! Sure you can have them - dont mind the mud and pooo LOL

Brandon - i really think this is why people fail - they put too much pressure on themselves and deadlines and so forth - jsut take it easy - look at this way - it is AMAZING that you have cut back so much! You are doing great - and as isyou have done more than most!
Brandon, hang in there! You can do it! It's always that last little lick that is toughest.

I get between 12-17 eggs a day - the pullets don't know its December. I am trying to find people to buy them,
The pullets are laying fine, except for Maretta, the EE, and Gracie, the Buff Orp who lost weight and I was worried about. Maretta quit over a week ago for some reason. Gracie quit about 4 days ago.

The D'Anvers won't lay till maybe February, so they'll be about a year old when they get started. My Silver Phoenix lays most every day.

Reba is back in the house. She had problems balancing on the roost and is usually breathing open mouthed. Her abdomen is still bloaty and she can't stand upright. DH thought she'd pass away before morning so brought her in the house. No need for her to be on that roost and in pain when she could be in the house with us.

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