
i dont Beth - sadly i just pitch them cause i mean if you saw my pasture - it is and has been inder water - i jsut didnt think it was worth it to try and clean them cause they are so nasty
Yeah, when they are that nasty, I don't clean them either. I found one out in the run, in a mud puddle. I kept wondering what that silly pullet was thinking, sitting out in the rain, laying in a puddle.
Waste not, want not! That's my motto! If they're just too icky for human consumption, then they're perfect for chicken, dog, cat, and any other meat protein eating creature you happen to have! Don't waste those eggs, Knox! Your girls could really use the extra protein this time of year especially! Fry those suckers up and give 'em back to your flock.

Your dogs would certainly benefit from them as well. Jasper often gets an egg in his bowl in the morning. Like the one I gave him yesterday. Silly Sonic laid her egg in the duplex coop and left it there to freeze [and crack
] over night. So, yup, Jasper got that one, as he does with any other "damaged" eggs that happen to present themselves. He's a really happy dog, my Jasper!
Amy ironically that is what i do with them most of the time! I swear the dogs know when i get out the frying pan that in a few minutes they get a treat!
I only HOPE mine are inside. I think they think they are ducks. Or sea turtles. Or dolphins or something. They are almost ALWAYS out in it, unless it is super heavy.
Yay Meg! Poor Reba ... tough old gal. It is gonna be cold tonight glad she is in the house.

My goobers are out in a slush flurry. I let them out yesterday and they got promptly soaked so I pit them away again...let them out today and it was clear then the slush started. Grrrr

I just use soap and water to wash eggs. If they're really soiled from being laid on the ground as some are doing I wash it and save it for the house. If found one yesterday in the run but since I didn't know how long it had been there I tossed if over the fence. I've got some girls who are laying in the run and it's driving me crazy,

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