

That's it Mrs. Kathy, just right, and on that note I'm hittin' the hay, I gotta do me some mechanicin' tomorrow out in this old cold stuff so I got be good and rested up cause its gonna take a lot out of me with all the griping and complaining going on while doing little work. its ruff ya know. HA


All that moanin' and groanin' and complaining might help keep ya warm.
Kathy, those li'l SLW's get prettier and prettier every time I see new pictures of them!
One of these days, if you keep and breed them, I'd very much like to buy hatching eggs from you my friend. Cuz, I know they'd be tip top quality! WOW! Just beautiful young'uns there! They do look a little bit older than Cleo, maybe by a couple of weeks. When did they hatch again? I know you've told me before, but my brain has up and left me like a fart in the wind tonight!

Brandon! If you so much as even THINK about touching a smoke, my dear friend, so help me God, I'll come down there personally, and punch you in the schnoz!!
Do you hear me?!? I mean it! Don't make me call out the Flying Monkeys, dang it!!!
It's just too freaking hard to round them all up again at my age!
............... You do know I'm just kidding....about the punching you in the schnoz part....right?? I lurvs ya too much to hurt ya sweetie!
Besides, you being so tall and me being so short, I probably couldn't swing a fist that high anyhow!
This is a joke right??? They don't have heads. They look like lint balls. THis has to be a joke or the Chantix has messed me up.

You don't see the heads? And wing feathers?

maybe you should cut down on the Chantix.....


Them ain't chickens, Brandon. They be TRIBBLES!
Yup, they are tribbles, Brandon, and they have been around since Star Trek in the late 60's or whenever Kirk and Spock made their first appearances. So no fear, and NO SMOKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Unless you are a Klingon. Then you are in trouble. Or should I quote the old pun and say you are in "tribble"?


(Well, SOMEONE has to laugh at it, might as well be me)
Boy I miss a day and come back to find Tribbles!

Cyn, so sorry to hear about Reba

I got whammied by a mirgaine again yesterday. A whole day lost when I need to get things done before my surgery tomorrow. Right now I am taking a break as I have been running all day. I needed to get my fix. I picked up my extra legs this morning [crutches]. I can't help but wonder how quickly I will fall on my face or backside with those?
I have a hard enough time managing with my own two legs. At least it will only be two or three weeks. Maybe I can finally read all of the posts on the Icelandic thread.

Some of the girls checking out the pond which is iced over

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I hate crutches! Just don't get ahead of yourself, Laura. Migraines are awful. I know exactly how you feel there. Ick.

Reba is still hanging in there. Maybe she was faking to come in and get goodies.

Solomon's new owner is coming to get him Saturday and Nugget can be a normal hen again. I call the little Delaware cockerel "Solomon" lately--name is because it's a wise leader who needs LOTS of women, LOL! Guess Nuggs can live with the bantams since Meg has decided she will stick around with us and lay eggs again and Suede's coop is a tad crowded for another fluffy butt. Gracie isn't laying still, but she is looking a bit perkier. No idea what her trouble is. Hope starts out every night in a nest (she lays almost daily) and then, later, she gets on the roost with Gracie. I bet she'll go broody within the next couple of months.

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