
Thanks Cyn.

Sounds like you have a good plan in place. I am trying to keep my numbers down as well. I feel badly when DH has to take care of the birds as he has enough to do as it is. Right now I have 5 breeds that I am working with and planning on breeding in the spring. Folks have already asked me for certain breeds but I think next fall I will cut back to only three or four breeds.
Here are some pics of the various groups today, though not all.

I hate that I won't be able to get eggs to everyone who asked for them, but I have to do what I have to do. It's what Tom wants and what I was already considering when he told me what he really would prefer for our flock situation anyway, so guess we were on the same wavelength.
I totally understand. Just went out to throw scratch to the chickens. 12 chickens came running up. And that's because that is all there is in the main yard (backyard). I have the 7 New Hamps penned separate and in rooster coops (3 boys, 4 girls), and the cochins in the garage for winter.

of the 12 that ran up, 3 are going to a show to be sold next weekend. Once I boot a broody back out, I will have 10 birds in the big yard. That's it! Can't wait. 8x8 coop and a half acre yard for 10 large fowl birds. Glorious.

I still have a lots of mottled cochins (probably 10-20 if you count the babies) but they're bantams.....much less space and feed.
The basic idea is go back to a mixed flock of layers with Isaac as flock leader there as long as he's alive, plus the D'Anvers in their coop, and then use Suede's old coop where Zane lives for the elderly girls who deserve a rooster-less existence. Before I got Rex, his was the old hens' coop and it worked out great.

Suede and his big-butt women will be moved into Rex's side which is much roomier for those huge birds. It's the 8x12 side of the "L" shaped shed-coop is 8x8 with divider wall and storage area when you first walk into the double doors.

The side where Suede currently lives (roughly 1/2 of the 8x8 side of the "L" shaped shed) is really better for older hens-less steep ramp, smaller area, comfy roost shelf low to the ground but with a nice big window, big hardware cloth full screen door for summer days, etc.

This is the former shed turned coop so you know what I mean. Both ramps have been extended to go all the way to the ground. One of these days, I'll finish painting that stupid trim on the back side.


This is the inside of Suede's coop (the nest isn't under the roost now, though).


This is Rex's side, pic taken when Tom was installing a window near the roost. Suede will move in here when Scott takes Rex.

He will need bigger roosts and a tri-level deck so he does not jump down and hurt himself. Where is the flat screen going? I also do not see his central heat and AC unit.
. Suede is being abused, Neglected I say!
This stupid shed is only until we get a huge, brand spanking new barn built and tear this sub-standard piece of garbage down. Then, Mr. Suede will have the Shangri-La of Coops. Maybe we'll even upholster the roost bars in faux leather with padding.
Evening all....I am SUPER excited about getting Rex. After my total failure trying to raise some of the Good Sheperd BRs earlier this year (only 5 of 30 eggs hatched if I recall), this might get me headed in the right direction.

It'll take a little while for me to get a group going with a few girls, but if there are any of you that Cyn can't get eggs to due to this downsizing, I will certainly make good on any commitments that Cyn made.

Things here are going quite well. Business has me traveling a lot still. Was in Canada last week and woke to a morning with 4" of snow.....yuk! At least next week I'm headed to Florida.

I have done a LOT of downsizing myself here....At the present time I have my CRs (about 14 or 15 of them), a blue rock x del hen, a BR x del pullet and a pen full of CR chicks.....that's it. For breeding purposes (as well as the feed bill) this has been a big help. I had gone TOTALLY overboard and had more than I could really focus on.

People are still asking to purchase CR eggs, so I'll keep offering some of them on BST. Last one brought pretty good $$.

Hope everyone is well

Of course, Rex will come with a collection of hatching eggs for you to get some big girls like Ida, Dottie and Wynette, Scott. I'm hoping their eggs will be of decent size by the middle to the end of next month. They're rather smallish right now, though they've been laying for weeks. Gloria Jean, the splash Rock's eggs are a bit larger already.
Now Cyn is talking about fair treatment for my big blue tank!

Scott, you will love Rex! That boy is huge, gorgeous and good tempered. He challenged Cynthia once and Tom Once! I did my best that day to get Rex to attack me and he absolutely would not do it. I, the stranger, barged into his pen and chased his women, grabbed them and made them yell and flap, reached for him, grabbed him, chased him, challenged him you name it...he merely watched me and barely noticed me otherwise. So his temperament is going to be a dream to pass on. You will really enjoy having him Scott and what eye candy!

Oh and BTW the day he challenged Tom was the day I was down there and hubby saw me heading out on a mission and asked what I was doing....I said "Going to try to get Cyn's rooster to attack me". He looked at me like I was nuts and I said "Hey, its what friends do for other friends".
. I figured if his personality was changing and he was going to show a mean streak I would make a good target....a stranger, chasing his girls and invading his space....if he was going to attack someone it should have been me and I did try....I tried everything including messing with him and Notta, not so much as a hackle raise or stink eye.
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I hate that Cyn is giving him up.....BUT, I am soooooo glad that I'm gettin' him! I have seen his recent pix and there is nothing as nice as nice to look at as an exhibition quality BR rooster....

My CR cockerels are not mean, but they are not overly friendly either. I need a good "rooster buddy"

I am stayin' with Rocks....they are my favorites!!

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