
Great looking pictures Cyn. I noticed that you and Tom put in a PVC pipe feeder in the coop. I've got a question for ya. How do you like that? Do you have any problems with the girls billing out the feed and wasting it all over the place? I'm looking around for an alternative to the long trough type feeders and the open round pans, and your little set up look like it might have potential.

My flock likes to flip everything out on the ground in search of their favorite bits and it's just getting ridiculous!
23 adult birds should NOT go through a 50# bag of feed every week and a half! And that's just the scratch grains! We're not even gonna talk about how much C.O.B. they go through!
Or layer crumble!
I swear I could lay off feeding them for a week and just let them clean up the mess they have out there in the covered run. God knows there is plenty of good dry feed just laying on the ground!
One could almost come to believe that I'm overfeeding them. But you wouldn't know it to watch them eat! Simply ravenous they are! ALWAYS!! Let's put it this way. You wouldn't want to collapse in their presence! It could be hazardous to your health!

Laura!! I'm so glad to hear you came through the surgery with flying colors!
You be careful on those stair, ya hear?!?
Take it easy. I'm sure DH doesn't mind taking care of things for awhile as you convalesce. Cuz, ya know, a moment's indiscretion could lead to months of additional recovery time! Just sayin'........ OK, I'll stop preachin' to the choir now! Just glad to have you home dear lady!
Oh hot diggity!! I'm glad someone else actually does that with their birds. Now I won't suffer the guilts so badly when I make them actually scratch around for their scratch grains!
Thanks Nella!
I feel so liberated!!
Shoot yeah Amy, yank it out. I just did the same thing to Hector yesterday and Zena and boys today. Always tipping their feeder over and such to scratch through it. I make them clean up their messes too.
Suede does not have a big head! It is PERFECT! It is required for his large intellect and the comb must be in balance as do the wattles! Such abuse of my Big Blue Tank...keep it up, I am not sure I will let you continue to be his caregiver if you r gonna be mean to him like that...what say you?
I put a big tray or rubber dish under the feeders to help catch the stuff they bill out. It helps... some.

Can you believe I went Christmas shopping today? For once I am glad the kids like gift cards. Most stores had the wheelchairs but some did not. I finally told DH let's just go home, I am done. Maybe next weekend if he does not have to work.
Thanks Laura!!!

I hadn't realized how much cig smoke stunk. I have been wiping walls and washing everything. Cleaned the inside of the car today. My nose is deffinitely working again.

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