
Laura, did it pain you lot? Or did you just get uncomfortable trying to hold a steady position while you sleep?
That's always what gets me.
Beth, it was hurting pretty bad last night but that was my own fault. Shouldn't have tried shopping so soon. I have to sleep with my foot propped up and I don't like to sleep on my back either. It will get better with time and as long as I don't kick the crutch again

Brandon, I can't wait to see what you get in the mail
*comes in looking at Brandon singing* "I want a hippopotamus for Christmas..only a hippopotamus will do...don't want no dinky tinker toy... lalalalala" I have no idea, let me know when it arrives.

Well Beth if you cannot stay off it expect about 3 weeks before there is any real relief. silly one what did you do?

Off to do a PPT for class BBL
*sigh* LH, I slipped off a ladder at work and pulled the inside muscles of my left thigh - not badly, it felt better the next day but then I slipped in Ultrasuede's run on one of his huge poops while trying to avoid stepping on Miss Lucy and Miss Shelby who wanted INTO the scratch bucket NOW. That went up the outer side of the same thigh and into my dupa, but again, by the next morning it was much better, so out I went to try to finish the upper part of the new run for the NH while I had some strong male help. All I did was hold rolls of wire up in the air and unroll them as needed. I felt fine. Went to bed, woke up because three legged Trillie was yowling for help up into the bed, rolled my upper body over to grab him and literally screamed in pain. So, I really do not know what or how I did it, unless it was cumulative...????? Admittedly it was an emotional, busy weekend with a lot of stress, so maybe that last twist was the straw that broke the camel's back.
Actually being at work is a blessing, I can sit a LOT at this job if I want, so I am relatively quiet for the day. Its the 2 hours of morning tromping from pen to pen with feed and water in big old boots - I need a slave. I really do. Or a dog and cart who can pull it all around for me. Can Jersey Giants be trained to pull a little red wagon? Maybe that way I can save a couple of those boys!

Tell the Diva I am working on a re-write of a song for her - I just need a picture of her inspecting chickens and ducks to go with it.

Brandon, you will have to post pics of whatever this great surprise is - some of us are not in on the "Seekrit" and are dying along with you.

Laura, hope you sleep better tonight and can keep it propped. Its what I plan to do, myself. Crutches- what a pain!!!
Ouch! The Diva Do does not inspect such lower creatures she merely observes them from afar. She was in a fit mood this morning. DH went to feed her because we were running late for chiropractor appt. He grabbed her three flakes of hay and no grain as opposed to 2 flakes and her grain. Well she gave him the what for look. He said she looked at him like she wanted to say "I do not like you, the females bring me grain too!" He said she was thoroughly disgusted over the matter.
. He claims I have spoiled her yet how could that be when she was born a Diva?
Beth and Laura - hope you are both feeling better

And LH - i swear the Diva needs her own show or cartoon - you thrown in my Del hen Bubble - wonderful daily adventures of the two whacky divas of the world.
The other day i went out in the pasture and i had my elmer Fudd furry hat on - makes me look like a dork but is oh so warm. Well i lean over to talk to and rub one of the other hens - that darn bubble came out of no where and snatched the hat off my head - and proceeded to stomp on it like she thought it was an intruder LOL - she is " special"
Good morning, friends! Laura and Beth, sympathies to you both. My ankle, broken in two places three years ago next month, hurts every morning. Wonder if I had them remove the titanium plate held on with 5 screws in one bone and the two long screws in the other bone that it would cease to give me so much trouble? And my back and neck are screaming because I was making a literature sorting unit from my realtor days into a fabric holding shelf, ironing and stacking, etc. Ouch, ouch, ouch! Here is what I was working on part of yesterday that put a knot in my back. Now, I just need two more, but dang, on Amazon, they're about $150! I know I only paid about 1/3 that when I bought this at Sam's Club many years ago:

Ooooh Cyn! I'm swiping that idea! I see such shelf units at auction all the time, and they usually go pretty dirt cheap. (like about $10-$15 per unit) If you're looking for more of those, check around for any and all surplus auctions in your area. We have a place up here that holds such auctions every six weeks. They get a lot of the surplus or obsolete items from the two major school districts in our area. Yup! I see those all of the time. LOVE your fabric stash too BTW!

Knox, that's just too funny! I can totally visualize the event, as Charlotte has done that to me a number of times. Though she doesn't try to kill my head apparel. She just knocks it off when she comes in for her Kamikazee landing cycle on my head!

Ya know, Laura & Beth, if y'all had just listened to me in the first place, and taken things easy, y'all wouldn't be hurtin' now!
What? You think I say these things just to hear myself talk?!?
Maybe you'll listen to me next time, huh? I've hurt myself more times, in more ways, than I care to count! Listen to the voice of experience, OK? TAKE IT EASY!!! Sheesh! I may as well go lecture the neighbors sheep! She listens much better!

LH, what can I say? She is the DivaDo, and as the DivaDo, no one else will do to wait on her hand and foot, but you!!
You know you're going to have to spend hours in homage to her to make up for Bill's attentions! Right?

Prius and baby Cleo are driving me CRAZY!!!
I like my mornings nice and quiet while I wake up with a cup of tea and my morning perusals of the internet. And these two refuse to SHUT UP!!!!
Uuuhggg! I love them both dearly. But I'm also so very ready for them to go into the main coop.

But Cleo is only 6 weeks old as of today. And the temperatures are far too cold out there for her to safely make the transition. Not to mention the fact that I still can't put up fence posts to divide the yards up and get 'Milio and Goobey out of the main coop and into the duplex. I don't think it would be prudent to have those two in the main coop when Cleo joins the flock. They're kind of big and stupid ya know!
Not mean....just big and stupid!

Oh! BTW, Brandon.......
I'm SOOOO proud of you!!!!

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