
Kathy, go to where you Edit Your Text on the signature line on the Edit Community Profile and go below that. It has three drop down menus to "Show Stuff in Your Signature". I bet you didn't scroll down far enough.

I love the chocolatey-looking one in the first picture, I must say. Cute little aliens, indeed!

ETA: Kath, looks like you found it! I see you added something.

Was waiting till payday to get some batting to complete that last bed runner so pieced a table topper/wallhanging using one of the large blocks from another bed runner in the book. The fabric choices were guided by the book and I wasn't sure I was going to like it, but when I added the brown and dark green print borders (not in the book, my choosing), it seemed to pull together nicely. Colors don't show true in my corner office at night, but it's in shades of green, rust, brown, gold and creamy beige.

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They all look great, Cyn! Who is the black one at the doorway by Gypsy? Tiny! I see Tiny! I love June's color! Charlotte or Miranda? (the Brahma) is so sweet looking, too!

Your table topper is lovely. I like those colors, always have liked that combo.
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Thanks, Kathy, the table topper grew on me. I didn't exactly follow the book's color choices since, again, it involved red, and I don't have much of that, so I changed it up some, made the red into gold, changed their black to dark brown and sort of made it more "woodsy". I found a piece of batting big enough for it and it's already pinned and ready to quilt, starting tomorrow.

In that picture with Tiny, in the background, the Lt. Brahma is Miranda and next to her is the Buff Brahma, Caroline, looking like she's twice as wide as she really is for some reason. Maybe she was starting to sit down as I took the picture or something.

The redheaded girl on the roost is Rita, after Rita Hayworth. She is the sweetest girl and you'll never guess her parentage (if you don't already remember). I love her color, so rich and deep. She lays every day, almost without fail. Her eggs have a pinch mark just before the pointy end, which on hers, is not pointy, and the egg always breaks at that mark when you try to crack it.
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Thanks, Kathy, the table topper grew on me. I didn't exactly follow the book's color choices since, again, it involved red, and I don't have much of that, so I changed it up some, made the red into gold, changed their black to dark brown and sort of made it more "woodsy". I found a piece of batting big enough for it and it's already pinned and ready to quilt, starting tomorrow.

In that picture with Tiny, in the background, the Lt. Brahma is Miranda and next to her is the Buff Brahma, Caroline, looking like she's twice as wide as she really is for some reason. Maybe she was starting to sit down as I took the picture or something.

The redheaded girl on the roost is Rita, after Rita Hayworth. She is the sweetest girl and you'll never guess her parentage (if you don't already remember). I love her color, so rich and deep. She lays every day, almost without fail. Her eggs have a pinch mark just before the pointy end, which on hers, is not pointy, and the egg always breaks at that mark when you try to crack it.
Miranda is the one I am talking about. Look at her! Is this pure sweetness, or what? ! !

She is a very sweet hen. You know, she and Caroline are 5 years old now? They were raised in the same brooder with Suede. Miranda is laying a couple of eggs each week. Caroline hasn't started back yet post-molt, but I'm betting she will soon. Tom keeps saying they are pretty much the most trouble free girls we have, super good girls, both of them.

ETA: She loves Isaac and has started roosting beside him every night. June takes the other side of the big guy. He loves his bearded ladies.
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I wanted to share some pictures of my newest addition, a Delawegger we've named Ethel. She's the result of a Del roo over a Wheaten Ameraucana hen, she lays a very pretty pale olive green colored egg. I'm pretty smitten with her.

Of course her personality is just like a Delaware... always right underfoot.

She is a very sweet hen. You know, she and Caroline are 5 years old now? They were raised in the same brooder with Suede. Miranda is laying a couple of eggs each week. Caroline hasn't started back yet post-molt, but I'm betting she will soon. Tom keeps saying they are pretty much the most trouble free girls we have, super good girls, both of them.

ETA: She loves Isaac and has started roosting beside him every night. June takes the other side of the big guy. He loves his bearded ladies.

Seeeeeee, she has good taste, too! Roosting next to Isaac shows that!
I wanted to share some pictures of my newest addition, a Delawegger we've named Ethel. She's the result of a Del roo over a Wheaten Ameraucana hen, she lays a very pretty pale olive green colored egg. I'm pretty smitten with her.

Of course her personality is just like a Delaware... always right underfoot.

Love those Delaweggers! Ethel is a gorgeous girl!
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