
I can't see well enough to see more than one girl in front. One has some really strange wing color in there-never saw anything like that. Remember, these you can't really sex by head spots that well. They just don't sex as easily as the hatchery Rocks I used to have. You'll have to wait for them to get their wings completely feathered in, I think.
I can't see well enough to see more than one girl in front. One has some really strange wing color in there-never saw anything like that. Remember, these you can't really sex by head spots that well. They just don't sex as easily as the hatchery Rocks I used to have. You'll have to wait for them to get their wings completely feathered in, I think.

I will try to get some good pictures tomorrow. It was late, and it was cold outside their brooder, so they were not very cooperative.
Morning. That hoodie is real cool. How did they know that you all had a club?

I usually read in bed, I've gone thru some terrific books, mostly detective/private eye series, but read them all. So I get these 2 other books, and they are really awful!

2 of my favorite authors have new books out. But I'm waiting for a cheap paperback, so it'll be awhile.
LOOK ! ! I just googled SDWD. Look what I found!

We're famous!

I met a woman in the TSC store and when I told her who I was here, she said "Oh I know you, your famous".. Not sure if that's good or bad. I do however mention BYC every time I meet someone and they're in to chickens. Anyhow I do what I can to promote us here.

Lockdown tomorrow and hopefully there will be a few more Dels in the world.
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So SDWD is now famous. Heavens. I am not sure if that means whoever made that list needs to get a real job or what!

Good luck on everyone's hatches. I am only hatching for other people, not me, this year.

Cyn, Shelby is laying up a storm - I am selling eggs to a local restaurant and they know her by name because of that pretty green egg.

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