
**Secretly makes note of Cyn's weakness for future reference**

Kathy, you know my weakness for the mutts!
Those are absolutely darling. The li'l one on the right in the first pic looks very similar to Cleo, though much heavier in the buff department than Cleo is. Still, the markings on the two are very much alike. Hmmm...I wonder? Could they be related? Maggie, after all, is Cleo's egg mama. Isn't that one of your EE mamas I see under the steps? The one you indicate is the mother?
Though it doesn't really matter, does it? They're all darling and precious in my eyes! I LOVE MUTTS!!!
As well I should! Considering the vast majority of my current flock is MUTTS!!!

Well, looks like today is going to be repair day here. LadyHawk wasn't the only one with ridiculous wind speeds yesterday. We had a low pressure system scream through here, pushing 70 mph winds most of the day and into the night. Now we're looking at having to reroof the entire main coop! Just peachy!

Well, hope y'all have a wonderful and quiet day. Tim, good luck on your hatch! Oh yeah! And Beth! HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIRL!!!
The broody under the steps is one of my Wheaten Ameraucanas. She hatched the eggs. The eggs were from the layers coop, blue, green, and Marans eggs is what she sat on. I have no idea as to the parentage of the chicks. Though, no relation to Maggie, as I no longer have any of those Easter Eggers.

Reroof the entire coop? Oh no! Darn wind!

Happy Birthday to Beth!
Beth - Happy Birthday to you.

Cyn - I put Chocolate on my caramel and Chocolate on my Chocolate.

So far all 4 EE's have started to pip and 2 Dels and 1 CR. But it's early yet really. Tomorrow is day 21 not counting set day.
I am soooo very sorry ,I know how he held your heart.

Beth sorry I missed your birthday. I was in a Dr. Office as usual lately. Love you all Gloria Jean
Thanks, guys. I tried to distract myself by letting the bantams free range today. So far, only Rufus had ever been out of the pen before. Well, Rusty had, but he lives somewhere with his very own women now. Of course, Shadow and Sunny were raised free ranging, so they knew where they were going. They all did really well and weren't hard to coax back to the pen. See the pictures here:

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