
Tonya, thoughts and prayers winging their way to you now. Hope that by the time you get to Texas that the doctors have brighter news for you.

Cyn, I'm so sorry to hear that Gracie is gone. I'm sure that Zane was there to greet her on the other side of the bridge. They're free ranging now and Zane is showing her where all of the best goodies can be found!

Thanks LH. Tell Knox I said I'm gonna get him for this! Rotten goober! He made me worried sick all weekend long!
I had a little hatch just finish up. I had 8 eggs, Brahmas. 5 hatched (3 Silver Laced, 2 Gold Laced). I had a lone broody egg that hatched a couple days ago, too (a Lavender Ameraucana). I think she is happy to have company now.

I wish I could put this little group with my new broody that has only one chick, but I don't dare. She is ferocious!

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Morning all

Windy (25mph+) here and kinda cold. Rex just got a bowl of warm oatmeal, with pumpkin seeds, olive oil and molasses (couldnt stand the thought of him eatin that stuff plain......yuk!)

He ate most of it and drank A LOT....

I'm hoping to see a "glowing red" (in Cyn's words) comb on him shortly.

Colby is off to school and still headache free.....PRAISE GLORY

Have a great Monday y'all
Ok tornadoes then rain and now one inch accumulation.....this is not one inch on my ruler.

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Scott that is great news....YAY COLBY!!! My prayers are with him daily thank you for keeping us posted.

Sending up prayers for all the mushers and their teams (66) as the 44th Iditarod is now underway.
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Morning all

Windy (25mph+) here and kinda cold. Rex just got a bowl of warm oatmeal, with pumpkin seeds, olive oil and molasses (couldnt stand the thought of him eatin that stuff plain......yuk!)

He ate most of it and drank A LOT....

I'm hoping to see a "glowing red" (in Cyn's words) comb on him shortly.

Colby is off to school and still headache free.....PRAISE GLORY

Have a great Monday y'all

Scott - sorry for your trouble with Rex. I have read that Stress can bring on lots of problems so you may be right about these storms causing at least part of his trouble. I had a sign on my coop that said Please open slowly. I also do not allow the kids to chase the birds.

It's snowing here again. Funny spring is just a couple weeks away and now it's snowing. I have a broody in the coop that hatched 3 chicks, which I took and left her with the rest of her eggs. She was off the nest when I just went out to check on her. She got back on them before I came in. It will be interesting how things turn out. They were due today, but I've learned never to hurry these things. I expect she knows what she's doing. I'll give her a day or so and then move her to some private place and give her back her chicks. IF she doesn't break.

Pic of my roo. In the hoop coop.

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