
Laura, it isn't the turntable. It won't heat anything now. It's dead. It was used by one of my sons in college and they're in their 30's so it's done its duty for a cheap appliance.

I think Ellie wants another round of log cabin blocks, then I'll have to do a border after that. I think it turned out pretty well, though not perfect, of course. But, that's what's great about quilts-they can be full of mistakes and still be lovely.
I love it Cyn.

It was making a thunking sound so not sure about the fuse. Will have DH check that. We had an old one that blew a fuse once so who knows?

I'm so tired. Was going to a poultry show in Dalton tomorrow. dont' think I will now. Been working on Ellie's winter quilt all day and the main design is pieced together. Now have to decide what to do to make it larger, more log cabin blocks or just borders. It's 70.5" square right now and I need it to be bigger, but no larger than 90 x 108, since that's the size of the black cotton batting I bought for it.

Absolutely stunning quilt!!!! Those log cabins are alot of piecing, I can just imagine how much work went into that. That is no small project. I love the colors, too!

Kathy, are you feeling better?
I have a question for you. How did the Germans come about choosing NH's ?
Kathy, are you feeling better?
I have a question for you. How did the Germans come about choosing NH's ?
Yes, I am feeling better. Thank you for asking. 2 more days of antibiotics and I am done.

The Germans and New Hampshires...... wellllll......

During the war with Germany, the soldiers (both sides) and Germans literally ate up nearly all the poultry there. As part of the reconstruction effort, the USA sent AmRocks and New Hampshires to Germany. They loved them (and still do). In the US they fell by the wayside, in favor of the Cornish Cross (think Colonel Sanders here, and the farmers wanting to make some quick $ $ $ ), and their population declined quickly.

Cyn, it's very nice.

Kathy, CL here, has Emu chicks for sale. $150 each. I wonder if I can cross one with my Delaware?

I don't think you should cross those 2 breeds. Too many problems with that cross, I have heard..... You will mess up the barring.
Well kiss my rump and color me "perple" that's tha darndest thing I seen since the last time the cows came home. It looks almost like a scene off of alien or something LOL

Ha! I hope both of those things hatch out and do good, it'd be something fun to follow (ya'll remember the following sometime back the guinea/chicken "Miracle" had huh)?


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