
I'm thinking the Governor of Vermont would make an EXCELLENT poster child for Obama's re-election campaign.....instead of the campaign slogan he used last time, "hope and change" he could borrow one from Forest Gump....."mama always says, stupid IS as stupid DOES"

Sorry.....I just have a soft spot for idiots I guess
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I ain't no Democrat. I ain't no Republican. I hate parties in the first place. Who told you your vote counted anyway? Ever heard of the electoral college? They don't have to choose who you tell them to vote for, you do realize. With electronic voting, easily manipulated, you are not in control of squat and you just need to resign yourself to that fact. It plays out the way the rich and powerful make it play out. We ain't them unless one of you is holding out on us. Chess pieces, get ready to move where you're told!

We had a minor natural disaster here yesterday. An outer spigot attached to the house broke and was flooding the concrete block foundation wall, which means, water traveled through the block and came out in the basement wherever it could. So, we have major cleanup to do down there. Pray for Tom's back and my ankle to hold out to move huge, full bookshelves (it's about as hard to remove all those thousands of books as it is to move the shelves with books on them, but can't since they are stacked on top as well). We mopped up what we could get to and fans were blowing all night with windows open.

That VT gov needs to just sit in honey, then birdseed and offer his bum to those neighborly bears. It makes about as much sense as what he did. Geez.

ETA: I love Forrest Gump! And that's all I have to say 'bout that.

Here's something I can control, a table runner in progress:

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Oh Lordy Cyn do not get me started on the electoral preschool. LOL. I know my vote does not really count but by God they are getting it anyway. I also agree on the whole party issue...democrats and republicans ain't what they used to be anyway. I use my Constitutional Right and vote for candidate of my choice....I have done write ins several times...example when that lying sack of worthless dung, Clinton ran for his second term I voted for have also voted for Black Elk and Bugs Bunny. :) when someone worth voting for comes along I vote for them. I am again voting for Ron Paul, ballot and party choices he ******.
I'm thinking the Governor of Vermont would make an EXCELLENT poster child for Obama's re-election campaign.....instead of the campaign slogan he used last time, "hope and change" he could borrow one from Forest Gump....."mama always says, stupid IS as stupid DOES"

Sorry.....I just have a soft spot for idiots I guess

I thought that slogan was "Horror and Catastrophe"? My Bad...I have been living outside the Country for four years so I am uninformed.
I like the "Dope and Shame" one.

I'm thinking the Governor of Vermont would make an EXCELLENT poster child for Obama's re-election campaign.....instead of the campaign slogan he used last time, "hope and change" he could borrow one from Forest Gump....."mama always says, stupid IS as stupid DOES"

Sorry.....I just have a soft spot for idiots I guess
Annnnnnd, to get back on a more pleasant subject for our SDWD thread.....

This Delawegger is now 3 weeks old. LH and I were sexing it by the single ridge pea comb, however, the coloring is way wild for a pullet EE chick and I think I see some pink in the comb already. Maybe this is my Delawegger partner for Isaac's rooster brigade! If so, LH, you can take the barred EE pullet, which is most definitely a pullet at 6 weeks old.

The Delaware is a cockerel now that I see the hackle color and wattles coming in more.

I've never had any red coloring on a Delawegger unless it was a male. This one has lots of the wheaten/brown of its mama, Maretta.

This is the pure Delaware now at 3 weeks old, getting barring in tail and hackle area-his tail isn't brown, he was dustbathing in red GA dirt:

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You didn't do anything wrong, Ed. Just wanted to get off the political track on this thread, ya know? We try to keep it pretty light here most of the time.

Oh, LH, the black Coch'Anver is male for sure....and mottled.

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I actually just pop in sometimes to check out your and other's quilts. My sister makes them also and made us one for our wedding 24 years ago out of levis and another pattern and it lasted about 15 years. They are very nice.

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