
Neat pictures! Boy is that going to open up things for you. It will make it look like you have so much property.

Seems to me I had a friend a long time ago who had the stumps ground up to the ground. I dont remember what kind of equipment that was used to do that, but it kept from making such a mess from popping stumps out of the ground.
If you want a tree to not resprout girdle it about 6 inches wide completely around and let it die before you cut them down. They will not resprout from the stump. Usually.
If you want a tree to not resprout girdle it about 6 inches wide completely around and let it die before you cut them down. They will not resprout from the stump. Usually.

I'm wondering IF that will work on my thorny, spiny, volunteer "Black Locust" trees. I've been trying to KILL them for years !!!
( They spread through their ROOTS and "pop-up" EVERYWHERE.....even in this "Drought-plaqued" area. )

THE Curmudgeon
I feel your pain also. We are not expected to get to 104 but if they say 100 it may , esp on my south facing front porch. I'm going to put some fans up tomorrow early am to help keep the air moving for them in the coop. Right now they prefer the run covered by rose bush runners. Its cooler under that part. gloria jean
Not the best pic but Ace, my 12 week old Belgian D'Anver cockerel, who was raised by my Silver Phoenix, Molly, and is crowing (quite beautifully, too, I might add), sits on mama while she is laying her egg. I put a piece of board across the back of the nests so he could sit and wait while she did her daily duty, but he still must either sit or stand on her back. Sometimes, he crows from up there. She is the most patient hen on Planet Earth, I swear.

Suede, being the slave driver he is, showing the girls where that egg has to go... and get to it yesterday, wenches!

Beautiful broody Dusty, out for her daily poop-drink-eat.

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OMG Nugget and Hope better get to it...deposit that rent you wenches! I cannot believe Suede is forced to show those defective women every little thing. He deserves so much better!

Molly deserves a babysitter and Dusty will need one so.
I picked up 4 more 5 gallon buckets from Lowe's today so I can put those watering cups on them and that will give me an additional 20 gallons of fresh for each of the three pens and one for the free rangers plus their one gallon waterers and various other stuff filled with water around the property. Beyond that plus the 4 box fans and 2 double window fans all I can do is pray. There are 5 birds I am really worried about with this 100+ degree stuff coming 4 survivors from last summer's 110 degree day and Junebug...she is so notheat tolerant. *sigh*

So I am praying for all of us and our birds this weekend.

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