
Thank you, Kathy. I do think this will be my last summer with Suede. He's been such a blessing.

Brandon, that Polish does look girly, though I'm not the best person to ask about sexing them. They're only marginally easier than Silkies to me, LOL.

Here's a really cute picture of Aimee and Carly with their five kids. Aimee is the one who has her wings over them.

Oh my big beautiful Suede :( I so hate to see him like that...he looks so tired. Make sure you tell him every day that I love him and ask about him every day.

I sold three boys at the swap today and became totally enraged just after and packed up and came home. I sold the white splash Orp boy and then sold the two d'anver cockerels from Cyn to a d'Uccle breeder/show person....and I basically gave them away. I told him for a good home for them both I would let him have them both for $5.00. They were getting picked on in the Orp pen and I wanted them to go to a good pet home or a breeder to use for color and such. So, he agreed and took the boys....he trimmed one's beak which I did not have time to do before leaving, used VetRX on his comb to brighten it up and sold him for $15.00 about 20 minutes after buying them from me. I was POd beyond words and I exploded! Needless to say everyone there knows I will not deal with him again, knows what he did and what I think of him. Sorry greedy lying SOB. grrrrrrrrr

So I have 6 boys left...2 for Cattitude if I ever catch up with her, 1 splash I am keeping, at least for awhile and three beautiful boys for sale. These boys are gorgeous, sweet and great to humans so if you know anyone who wants a good tempered flock rooster, these boys are it. Plus they have been trained by Lancelot and Hector. :)

This is the son of Lancelot and the Politician chicken Junebug

This is the son of Lancelot and Leaza, my black and white mottled...he has some mottling on his chest....Blue boy in the middle.
The black with the beard is the son of Hector and Becca (Wheaten EE)...the white boy was sold today.

And this is the splash that I am keeping for a bit longer

Their price is negotiable for a good pet home.
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Cyn, yea he did but he will not ever again. He also blew it with two other BYCers who were there and I will make sure any BYCers I see around this guy will know what he is about.
I had a guy do that to me once, LadyHawk. It was at the first and only swap I ever went to, a couple years ago. It ticked me off too, for a while. Now I just call The Trader Show and give away roosters. I hate even messing with trying to sell them. Only a few I have ever sold. I don't care what they do with them, once they are out of my possession. Sell them, eat them, breed them - what ever works..... they are no longer on my feed bill.

10 fewer mouths to feed here. I butchered (with lots of great helpers) 10 meaties today. They are in the refrigerator resting. I have a dozen "red broilers," that weren't ready yet. I also have lots of Delawares growing out, and plan to butcher the ones I don't keep for breeders. I don't want to release any of these, so will butcher and give frozen meat as Christmas gifts. Our kids all thought that was a great idea. Win-win situation!

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