
Uh oh, I think I sent you the Barred Giraffe eggs instead, LOL!!
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Baby Rex

Is he not the funniest thing you've ever seen??? I can't remember when he was hatched, Im thinking February, so that makes him 6 months old. He towers above everyone.

Mine hatched Feb 1st. I have 3 boys.

#2 and #3......

These 2 pictures are the same boy (#1). The one that was largest from the git-go, and matured the fastest. He has his daddy's comb, too. He has made major changes this past week or so!

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Isnt he funny Cyn? I dont even know how long its going to take for him to actually look like a chicken! He kinda looks like a feathered bowling ball with legs.

Kathy, my boy was hatched Feb. 18. The first hatch I had from Cyn was several weeks prior, that hatch was all girls. Second hatch that this boy hatched from had all boys....I lost them all except one (this one) to a fox. Im hopeful that a few more weeks will make a difference in him.

When you say F2s, do you mean delaware F2s?
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As William told me ages ago, the Stukel males make better cocks than cockerels, as it takes them literally an eternity to fill out to match those long legs. The results are worth the wait!

Remember the HUGE Buff Orp pullet that hatched with Gracie (who died of some unknown cause)? Guess I'm losing her. She was a great layer, every day, almost without fail. She went into a molt, quit laying, but then began going on the nest multiple times each day, every day-no egg. Then, wet spots in the nest. Then some gelatinous egg white with no yolk or membrane last week, then nothing again. She goes on over and over again. Been doing this for at least a month now. As of two weeks ago, her abdomen didn't seem too big, but a few weeks ago, we gave her penicillin when her tummy seemed bloated. That went down. Have to check her again, but I'm afraid it's a race to see who I lose first, Hope or Suede.
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Cyn, it seems like you are losing so many. But I guess its really not unexpected; I dont think most people keep their chickens as long as you do. Sure makes it sad to lose them, but really great that they had such a long life with you.

Kath, so where does the mottled wheaten/buff fit in that list of your F2s? I know you've told me this before, but is the F2 where you breed all the F1s together, or do you breed F1s back to BRs or NHs?
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