
I feel unworthy of the generosity so many folks have shown me, people I didn't really even know that well before they opened their heart like Don did today. Such amazing people are here, I just don't have the words.

ETA: I had a bit of a fright just before the mail carrier came with the package. Gypsy gave me quite a scare. I think Isaac may have hurt her some. She wouldn't come out from under the coop when I let them out to free range today. Even when I was calling her and holding out my arms, she kept on sitting and I was so scared. Finally, she did stand up and walk to me and when I scooped her up and checked her over, I literally burst into tears telling her, "Please, Gypsy, not now, not this year" but she was favoring one leg so she is in Zane's cage under a reptile heat bulb so Ike can't mate her. She is 5 years old and in a molt so not a young hen anymore. She is my best buddy in that flock, always wanting to be held, always coming when I call her name, so you can imagine why I was so frightened when she wouldn't come to me. And after a stressful short visit to my Dad's yesterday that had me upset on top of everything else that has happened of late.

Don's sweet gift came at a very good time, I have to say. I just had my first one, Organic Bangkok, organic green teas, coconut, lemongrass, ginger & vanilla.
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Over the last few years, I have been the recipient of so many random acts of kindness that it just seems I cannot be worthy of the love sent my way. Thanks to all of you in the past, and now Don, who have touched my life in ways I could never repay. You are such special people. This has been a trying year for me in regard to my animals and somewhat in the family arena and you all know just when to place a phone call or send a little gift.
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