
I am so glad you are home and safe. It is cold here but the Sun is glorious this time of yr. I want to be out so bad. Its not the bone but the tendons, ligaments and nerves in that wrist and arm that's giving me fits. See, I twisted the wrist off the arm half way around when I fell. The hand was sitting sideways on my wrist area. The Dr. says I will not have full motion in the wrist even with the surgery I had. The hand bones were all mashed together. Bummer. If the pain will stop , I am sure I will do ok. I have plenty of motion room even if the wrist is a bit shorter.
On to a brighter note. How are the beauties coming? I love those pretty German NH and I want some of the SLW too. If Cloverleaf were not so far away(Oregon) I would get some of her large egg laying Faveroles too. Opps I am going to have to make more carrying boxes for next fall. This moving thing every fall is not going to be easy or the Spring one either. Oh how I wish the summers near the coast of NC were not so long, hot and terribly humid. I have an almost new nice house, flat sandy soil, lots of room and no disease ridden chickens next door to contend with. I may talk myself into enduring the summers. I love this place sooooooo much but as I age it is getting harder to live here as it exist now. No flat ground esp. If I stay here much, I will need to have some landscaping done to level the area around my doublewide. Gloria Jean
I think that is what I would do! I'd hate to have to move every six months. Maybe you guys can plan on it for the warmer months. Then maybe your husband will build you a coop by that flat ground? That would be so nice! I feel for you. Take it easy though, I know you've got a lot of work to do in building boxes but are you almost done with it? If I were closer, I'd come help you. I LOVE to build chicken things!
Nice day today. We were working on Meadow Area #1 for a bit today. That is the first roundish area just outside the perimeter fence that we plan to clear of brush, downed trees and stumps and seed as a meadow. I decided to take some pictures around the place before every single leaf is gone, but you can tell that most of them are already.

I love our wood piles. About half of the one closest to the house and all inside the grow-out coop/old hens' home pen extension are next year's and a start on the next after that. The one on skids under the built-in bench and half of the big stack nearest the picket fence under the deck is what we're using this season. As you can see, we have plenty to keep us busy. We want to pile up about 15 years' worth of firewood. See our newly dug fire pit with seating?

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It cost so much to do anything now. I have the new coop just about 6 yards from my back door but the soil is slightly tilted getting there. Just enough to make me unsteady , esp. in the snow and ice taking water to the coop. I am alone about 1/2 of the time. My HB bought me a 10'x16' building premade. We worked to make it into one lg coop and one small one. Also a feed area. Its nice with double doors on front. We added vents and poop doors. Right now, I am so tired that I am accepting of the help everyone is offering me on the coast. Later, if I feel better, I will do some more improvements here. Thanks Gloria Jean
That is really looking good. I love the new view and have always loved the look of a new wood pile. It represents security and warmth to me. Gloria Jean
Do you have a son?
If it's just slightly sloped, they could take a square-nosed shovel and make a path for you that is a couple feet wide and flat. It shouldn't take much time at all. Oh my goodness! My back is up now!
Sorry, I do have two Sons both with lives of their own in other states. Listen, do not feel to sorry for me. I have a good life. A whole lot better than a lot of people. I will get things done maybe next Spring. I will hire a teenager here to help me some. He is in early College trying to make a life for his self. His, situation is very hard. I wish I could help him more. He is always nice to me and does what ever I have to get done. Including removal of manure without a word of complaint. Bless, good kids.
About my kids, One is a Lt. Colonel in the Air Force and has 5 Grandchildren for me, Hes in Montana, One is a computer programmer specialist and works for Lockheed, My daughter is a school teacher and has me a granddaughter who thinks GeeGee is just hers alone.
My Family is all spread apart but we love each other heaps. My hb is a gentle loving, thoughtful man and I feel like I try his patience way to much with my independent spirit. Most men would not allow this type of lifestyle. Gloria Jean
Gloria Jean mine would. No crazy critter stuff, no soap in the pantry and no bead projects for him to move around...yeah he would take that lifestyle for a month at least.
Wooohooo!! Looks like I managed to wake everyone up! Great! I was missin' y'all!

Gloria Jean, I'm not gonna bother to tell ya not to over do things. You're stubborn, just like me, and it would only go in one ear and right out t'other!
But please, do try to be careful!

Cyn, the whole place is looking wonderful! Especially the heating supplies!

We have enough firewood cut, split and stacked for about the next 8 years, so we still have a bit of work to go yet. Denny wants to have at least a ten to fifteen year supply on hand before he gets too old to do it himself. We usually cut our wood in the spring from trees that we girded in the fall, after the first hard freeze. That keeps the wood eating insects from getting into the wood and since the tree is still standing, it doesn't lay on the ground and start to rot. It dries better that way too. It's still not completely seasoned by spring, but having the entire summer to finish the process means that we always have a good supply of dry firewood.

I'll be heading out tomorrow morning for the coast. Haven't been to Tacoma since 2009 and it's high time I paid a visit to mom and sis over there. They're threatening to disown me if I don't come see them soon. So, I'll be AFK for a few days at the least. Not sure exactly when I'll be back as the passes are starting to see snow these days. I've lived in this state all of my life and I know that those passes can get snowed in pretty fast sometimes. I-90 is kept pretty clear of the white menace, but ya just never know. But, I also know the sneaky back way home too! It just takes about 3 hours longer than going I-90!

Y'all take care and try not to burn the place down while I'm gone!

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