
So here's the low down.

Gotta call from DW (I'm in AL you know) Seems a kid my son went to school with jumped from a bridge and ended his life. I know this kids parents and knew him as well. 35 yrs old. Rich was a nice kid. Never in trouble and highly educated with a Masters. If that wasn't bad enough a girl, also a friends daughter and my DD's school mate was found to have colon cancer. 32 married with two small children. Add this to the national and my local election results (sorry to mention it) and it just gets me down.

Now I'm staying with my DS and his and they're a mess. Kids all over, the house not clean, needing repairs and my allergies. It's just a lot to deal with. She's not been raised to decorate and make a home and no one to teach her. Doesn't understand why you'd want end tables and lamps or know what a sconce is. Gotta 4 yr old still not potty trained and one nearly three. I told her and him. I'm not helping paint only to have the kids scribble all over the walls. If DW were here she'd just take over but when we leave things would just go back to the way they are.
I know she's overwhelmed and she has been cleaning but the kids just aren't taught not to leave a mess behind them where ever they go. She's a stay at home mom. To much like the way I grew up except without the booze. Thank God for that. She does go to church and I'm trying to help get her more involved so she'll meet some good role models. She's really very nice, I do love her and she's teachable. They don't answer the phone due to creditors. DS is just pig headed and rebelling. He's only going to church cuz his mother said he should while I'm here. He grew up going to church. I don't push though. I just don't know how to help and I'm not sleeping well.

So that's it. I know I'll survive.
So here's the low down.

Gotta call from DW (I'm in AL you know) Seems a kid my son went to school with jumped from a bridge and ended his life. I know this kids parents and knew him as well. 35 yrs old. Rich was a nice kid. Never in trouble and highly educated with a Masters. If that wasn't bad enough a girl, also a friends daughter and my DD's school mate was found to have colon cancer. 32 married with two small children. Add this to the national and my local election results (sorry to mention it) and it just gets me down.

Now I'm staying with my DS and his and they're a mess. Kids all over, the house not clean, needing repairs and my allergies. It's just a lot to deal with. She's not been raised to decorate and make a home and no one to teach her. Doesn't understand why you'd want end tables and lamps or know what a sconce is. Gotta 4 yr old still not potty trained and one nearly three. I told her and him. I'm not helping paint only to have the kids scribble all over the walls. If DW were here she'd just take over but when we leave things would just go back to the way they are.
I know she's overwhelmed and she has been cleaning but the kids just aren't taught not to leave a mess behind them where ever they go. She's a stay at home mom. To much like the way I grew up except without the booze. Thank God for that. She does go to church and I'm trying to help get her more involved so she'll meet some good role models. She's really very nice, I do love her and she's teachable. They don't answer the phone due to creditors. DS is just pig headed and rebelling. He's only going to church cuz his mother said he should while I'm here. He grew up going to church. I don't push though. I just don't know how to help and I'm not sleeping well.

So that's it. I know I'll survive.

yea, I'm sad about the outcome too. sounds like your staying at my brothers house. were not related are we ? :)
Tim, I know the feeling of visiting someone who lives in chaos and filth. Not a pleasant situation. And the kids of that either seem to grow up living the same way or become obsessive-compulsive about having everything in its place and spotless.
Lord have mercy. Son got orders to go to Manitboa, Canada. They have to move in May. Do they even have chickens in Canada? Well I mean chickens that aren't frozen solid?
Me too

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