
Doug does not ship.... eggs or chicks.
He is a great guy. I like him alot.

Well then what was the reason for telling me then?
How am I supposed to get HR's?
You know I'm old I can't take this kind of disappointment.
Evening all....wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving a day early, as I'm gonna be the one cooking Thanksgiving dinner this year

Things here are off to a bit of a "shakey start"....Jennifer went to the doc today after some "spousal persuasion". Hate to say "I told ya so", but she has the flu. I nagged and nagged after she started working at the school for her to get a flu shot, BUT NO, she is firmly convinced she would GET the flu from the vaccine. I've gotten one for the past 12 years and I've never gotten it... what do I know?? So now, she has to let it run its course and she is quite miserable and the Dr put both me and the boys on Tamiflu for preventative measures ($150 later, uugghhh)

Enough of the plight here. I think we all have a lot to be thankful for and I find great comfort and I'm truly thankful that God is STILL in control.

I hope each of you has a wonderful time with family and friends. I'm off to get the broccoli casserole out of the oven and start making dressing (....and YES ladies, I CAN cook!!)

Happy Holidays
rocks i agree with your wife..if you knew what was in that vaccine you would never take one...imo..have a happy thanksgiving also...btw i am getting some of those crock eggs from foggly ...hope to become a breeder...

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