
I'm sorry if I was a bit harsh. I just kinda got the impression some folks don't like people much. Having grown up with out friends for reasons I won't go into, I just like people. I'm a bit too friendly even here in Alabama. I have no problem talking to strangers. I don't like everyone mind you but the folks here on this forum seem pretty nice. I'm thankful for BYC cuz there are folks who are interested in pretty much everything I am.

Except flu vaccines.

Cyn - I'm really sorry about your Phoenix. I hope the chicks are okay.

Take care folks and have a good day. Remember, friends are family you choose for yourself.

Rancher hicks,
I actually like strangers sometimes better than neighbors.
I talk freely with them. I just love my quiet time too. Peace and quiet for me after yrs. of working and putting up with all kinds of stuff is a blessing and I just feel myself unwined. Silence at times is golden.

Capvin, I sort of thought about that too. Gloria jean
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I agree. Since I retired I actually wonder how I did everything when I was working. I enjoy my quiet time too. I have been meeting some new people who come for the winter and come up for eggs.
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I like quiet time too, but I like to have people friends/some family too.

My late FIL came one holiday and I was taking a nap on the couch sort of. He could not understand how I could nap with my four and my SIL's four kids running around the house.

Of course I am glad to be in the sort of country. And I prefer to go to someone elses house for the holiday cuz I can leave when I want. I also know when to leave. If it's family I leave when the booze comes out or when I've had enough. Though to be honest I rarely go to family for the holidays.

There is no law you have to hang with family. Last thanksgiving we went to friends and had a great time. After dinner we played bingo. Even the 20 somethings. With friends everyone brings something so the hosting family doesn't have to supply the whole meal.

There was a time it meant bringing 20 pounds of mashed potatoes. 5 families and 20 or more kids. Of course we were younger then.
Lately it just involves bringing a salad or dessert or both.

I don't shop at the mall on weekends if I can help it either. Of course at my age there is little I need. Coffee, half and half and chocolate.
Thank you, Robin. She was a sweet girl. With her passing, I have only one hatchery hen left, my Buff Brahma, Caroline, and she is about to turn 6 years old. She is large and in charge, too, LOL.

Mall? I haven't been to a mall in many years. There isn't one within a hundred miles of here. Last time I went, I couldn't believe anyone would want to go there; seemed like some alien planet.

We didn't have Thanksgiving. With a huge tax bill looming, no $$ to buy anything. I had a can of potato-broccoli-cheese soup and Ritz crackers, which was actually quite good. That way, we avoided lots of calories and heartburn anyway. Plus, to Native Americans, it's not a happy day anyway, so thinking of it from their perspective, it sort of puts a damper on it.
Seems to me if Thanksgiving isn't about the food or Native Americans. It's about being Thankful for what you have. I won't even address the Native American crack and their perspective. It's completely uncalled for.
Crack? What the heck is wrong with you, Tim? You do remember the origins of Thanksgiving, right? If we remembered the true origin of most holidays, we'd avoid them completely. Perhaps Ladyhawk could educate you a bit on this one. Good grief, has everyone lost their everloving minds now? If I'm not welcome on SDWD now, then see ya. Sheesh.
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You are always welcome here as you have done so much for helping others acquire the breed and appreciate them.

As to the other...Historically the first Thanksgiving was a feast among the English newcomers and Natives. It was meant to be a feast of community and thanksgiving to Natives for helping them survive illness, teach them about the land and how to survive in it. However, the heathen ways and failure to follow religious beliefs of the English made the celebration a prelude to massacre in the name of God with the underlying tones of greed.

I do not appreciate the holiday aside from a day off from work, lots of good food and long naps. Never will I observe a day based on the lies printing in textbooks. So Tim have at my position...I am a big girl and will gladly debate the FACTS with you.
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