Seeking Butler Bobwhite history & origin info


12 Years
Apr 11, 2009

I want to write an article on Butler Bobwhites. I can find plenty of info about their characteristics but so far have had no luck about lerning about their origins ... how they got their name ... etc ... etc

I tried Wikipedia and FeatherSite, but nothing.

If you know when and how they came to be, please reply.

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They started out over 40 years ago from a man in Butler Illinois..just like the Cunninghams they originated in Mississippi, Indiana Giants from Indiana and the Georgia Giants from Ga..Truth be known they're all the same strain of birds..Contact Gus Rhodes from what used to be Bear Bayou Quail Farm, He can tell you more about it...
Thanks for the directions.

When i get my article completed i will come back with more info.

I want to write an article on Butler Bobwhites. I can find plenty of info about their characteristics but so far have had no luck about lerning about their origins ... how they got their name ... etc ... etc

I tried Wikipedia and FeatherSite, but nothing.

If you know when and how they came to be, please reply.


I can tell you this much.
My brother and I trained dogs in the late 60's and early seventies. We used to buy quail and pheasant from a man named Floyd Butler,who lived in Ingraham Illinois.
Floyd had selectively bred a strain of bobwhites that were huge.
He told us that all of the females he kept for breeding were close to 2lbs and he only used the largest male in his breeding program.
I can't say that he originated this strain but I suspect he did.


I can tell you this much.
My brother and I trained dogs in the late 60's and early seventies. We used to buy quail and pheasant from a man named Floyd Butler,who lived in Ingraham Illinois.
Floyd had selectively bred a strain of bobwhites that were huge.
He told us that all of the females he kept for breeding were close to 2lbs and he only used the largest male in his breeding program.
I can't say that he originated this strain but I suspect he did.


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