Sell me on a breed of chicken in as few words as possible.

Really??? Mine is much more to her self lol. She’ll wonder off without the rest of the flock, she’s on the bottom of the pecking order for my flock for sure
Maybe its because I have two and they are older than the others. One (Duchess) is the boss hen and her sister Sparkles enforces the rules. Not to the point of drawing blood but she doesn't take any sass.
Maybe its because I have two and they are older than the others. One (Duchess) is the boss hen and her sister Sparkles enforces the rules. Not to the point of drawing blood but she doesn't take any sass.
My cream legbar is like that, sass all around. I tell her if she keeps it up, she’ll be on the grill.

Or if someone is cooking in the neighborhood and it smells like grilled chicken i tell her “that’s what you’re going to smell like” and she looks at me all head tilted like “what did you just say to me????”
I just got some Australorp chicks and I'm super excited for them. I was torn between them or barred rocks. Have you had barred rocks that you could compare Australorps to? It seems like they're pretty equivalent in egg laying abilities? How do they differ in personality?

I'm afraid that I haven't had any Barred Rocks to compare. I've never heard an ill word about them, but I don't have any personal experience. :)
Aseel: smarter than you, friendlier than your dog, living velociraptors

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