Selling eggs, How much to charge?


5 Years
Dec 1, 2014
I've had chickens for almost a year now and im finding myself overloaded with eggs and in need of selling them. your opinions are gratefully apreciated. I was wondering how much should i charge a dozen? since feed isnt the cheapest where i am and not having a job at the moment im having to rely on others to help me pay for feed.
I usually charge 3 or 4 a dozen but everybody has chickens where I am and food is cheap if you are in the city I would charge 4 or 5 dollars a dozen especially with this egg shortage due to avian flu.
I was planning on going for 3.50 a dozen and I was thinking if someone bought 2 dozen at the same time I might charge 6$ for the 2 dozen. Around here eggs aren't cheap, even the regular ones at the grocer. Cage free, vegetarian fed, no hormone/antibiotic etc sell for around 3.89-4-29 at the stores around here, and some I've even seen sell for higher.
Why are you selling a superior product for less money? $3.50/doz barely covers feed in a hobby flock. Start at $5/doz, then go up if you can't keep up with supply.

Also, vegetarian feed is terrible for chickens.
Why are you selling a superior product for less money? $3.50/doz barely covers feed in a hobby flock. Start at $5/doz, then go up if you can't keep up with supply.

Also, vegetarian feed is terrible for chickens.
I read, with some amusement, egg packages that scream out "Free Range, Vegetarian Diet". They might want to poll the various insects, reptiles, and mice in the area as to whether or not they end up as part of a chicken's meal during "Free Range" foraging....I know my chickens will eat anything they can get in their beaks...
Free range on the package means that a bird has access to fresh air - not that it goes outside. "Pasture raised" means they actually are outside.

This is a great bit on what the various terms really mean. .....of course some producers will go above the bare minimum for a given term, but it is still eye opening to see just how little of an improvement over battery cages some of the terms can actually be. The commonly accepted definition of terms like free range as used for byc flocks is not the same as what is accepted for the same in commercial applications.
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This is a great bit on what the various terms really mean. .....of course some producers will go above the bare minimum for a given term, but it is still eye opening to see just how little of an improvement over battery cages some of the terms can actually be. The commonly accepted definition of terms like free range as used for byc flocks is not the same as what is accepted for the same in commercial applications.
A lot of the terms that are purported to be improvements on battery cages actually lead to significantly higher rates of injuries, and disease for the birds. There are tradeoffs in every system, and people often want the poultry industry to make huge changes without understanding what those tradeoffs actually are.

Back to the topic - I don't understand why people feel the need to undersell the grocery stores - you have significantly fresher eggs - and thus a better product. Charge more - pretty much every other cottage industry does.
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As a 'City folk' I find this ignorant, and highly offensive.
As a "city folk" who has left Silicon Valley to live in a rural setting, I find your response to my statement a wee bit over sensitive. I visit this site because I am new to raising chickens, and my ignorance of the matter has been alleviated due to the knowledge base demonstrated here. I apologize if I offended anyone with that statement, but there are people who have never visited a farm, ranch, or even gone beyond the concreted confines of a city environment. When my next door neighbor commented on that fact that we won't get eggs because we don't have a rooster....anecdotal, perhaps.

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