Separating mama from young roo


In the Brooder
Jul 15, 2016
I have a question re:my mama hen who hatched one chick which ended up being a rooster. She raised him in same pen with father and another hen. All went fine. Chick/rooster is 3 mos. now. I want her to start laying again, should I separate him for a brief time or will she eventually start to lay at some point. And will the two roosters (father and son) be ok to stay together? The father is pretty docile. I see him put the young rooster in his place occasionally but nothing too aggressive. Thanks
Shame your only chick turned out to be male. The hen will start to lay when she is ready and having the cockerel with her still or taking it away will not make her lay any sooner.
If you free range or have a large pen and coop, father and son may coexist without too much aggression but it is right that the dominant rooster puts him in his place and in another month or so when his hormones start to surge you may see a significant increase in aggression between then as the youngster will be trying to mate the hens. If you just have a small flock with only two hens and two males, it may not work out well but it all depends on individual personalities.

Good luck with them
Ok thanks! I have other chickens in another pen. so I probably will/should put one rooster in with the others. Buf which one? ‍♀️ My older rooster mates with them, when they all free range so they’re familiar with him. So would it be best or make the most sense to put him in with them then, since they know him. Then older hens would probably bully the younger one. Idk??

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