September 2015 Hatch-A-long!!

This is the first time for Sophie and for us with a chicken hatching her own. So all of this is new to us. She's doing great mothering the chicks.

I didn't candle either one I should have. They still didnt hatch so I am going to just egg-topsy them tomorrow and get an answer as to what happened.
If they were partially zipped when she got up they just plain could have got stuck. Sorry they didn't make it. I have had a few broodies. My best being Amelia AirHeart, sizzled silky, who loves to sit. She sits on her own eggs but she won't let a roo near her so they are completely infertile! Go figure! So, I just stick eggs under her....and she sits and sits and these little babies hatch which look nothing like her and she loves them to death. Hysterical...She's jet black...her babies are a white serama, a lavendar Aracauna and a blue silkie. I had put a svart hona under her that was seriously stuck in the egg and she hatched him out. He died a few days later. He lost fur getting the shell off. My incubator failed that day and of course I had the most expensive eggs in there I have ever purchased~

My two other hens were complete failures. My creme crested legbar would sit but the girls would lay on top of her and she had like 14 eggs under there. we had to mark them but the pencil would keep wearing off the egg. Finally, I candled them and none were developing and our production in teh whole house had gone to nothing! So, off she went and eggs to the burn pile. She took a lot of breaks...I would find those eggs chilled all the time!

So, Amelia is sitting again on two eggs. I am sure are infertile. I am trying to think of what eggs I want to put under her. All of my chicks hatched this month so I have like 30~UGHH
I have not hatched any more light sussex...maybe one or two.
Hi I was just wondering how many Orpington eggs could an old English bantam sit on
That's a great question...Orpington are on the large eggs side...Put some under her and see what her body covers...6 came to mind but am thinking 4-6 comfortably. Broodies would sit on as many eggs as they can get....they will steal and amass stockpiles of eggs. But, the ones on the outer edges get cold and stop development or get kicked around...

How many were you thinking?
That's a great question...Orpington are on the large eggs side...Put some under her and see what her body covers...6 came to mind but am thinking 4-6 comfortably.  Broodies would sit on as many eggs as they can get....they will steal and amass stockpiles of eggs. But, the ones on the outer edges get cold and stop development or get kicked around...

How many were you thinking?
I was also thinking 6 but I wanted to be one the safe side and put 5 or less eggs under her depends how many she can cover



Chicks from yesterday's hatch. One little yellow guy has a leg issue which I think is totally my fault...I think he hit the slick incubator floor instead of the matting at hatch and did a split.

My peahen just cracked me up so I was sharing. She hatched a few months ago!
If you are buying the eggs caution on the lower side to not waste your money.  Some broodies are amazing...some kill all the eggs!

Happy hatching! 
Hi they are my own eggs as I have some orps so no money wasted so yeah thanks will see what happens she has been on and off the nest of fake eggs so I might see how she goes and see wether she is really broody or wether she is being lazy and wanting to lay
Well I have some bad news and some really good news so bad news first my second gosling drowned in out adult Toronto which are even difficult for the adults to reach so I have no idea how it go in anyway my second goose flapper all her eggs were rotten so she lost all eight eggs then the good news is my smallest girl bear has hatched out 4 and one is pipping ask I am typing anyway two greys and one full white and one that I think will be a Sebastopol with its colouring so yeah will have some pics tomorrow


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