Serama in a bird cage?

4 sf seems a bit tight for my liking. But your questions is can you? Probably. No doubt with consequences though. We have a Serama at a local pet store and even that LITTLE CHICKEN gets around all over the whole store. Colonel Sanders is his name and he does claim his space. 4 sf for two birds doesn't sound like a good life for even a small chicken.
People keep cagebirds in that small of cage, so i don't see what would be wrong with keeping a chicken the size of a cage bird in there. I'm making the assumption that it would be treated like a cagebird in that scenario. Often people with those type of birds handle them regularly, have them in the house, let them out from time to time etc. If you mean to do it as permanent housing outside somewhere where they just live and don't get the daily attention and breaks of confinement a cagebird would receive it's probably not the best idea.

Semantics aside, I know a few OEGB Breeders that have used dog crates close to that size for breeding pairs during breeding season and they're bigger than your seramas. But that's temporary housing during breeding season only.
You might look at a parrot cage. They tend to be tall, and you customize it so it has different levels the seramas can go between (which also ups the sqft) I mean you could get a tall parrot cage and give it 3 or 4 levels with ramps between and it could be really neat (kind of like with ferrets?). Think vertically when using a small footprint. Thinking outside the box is needed here since its not a typical situation.
How about a ferret tower-type of cage? They have 3 levels or more, with ramps. They're normally on wheels so moving and cleaning underneath would be easy as well. Parrot cages are great, but usually have thick metal bars, which isn;t necessary for chickens. The ferret cages have lighter wire, and are easily customizable and not that expensive!

Good luck, and I'd love to see pictures of the little cuties!

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