Serama Rooster's foot turned green and foot 'looks' dead - IS THIS FROSTBITE?

I have polysporin triple antibiotic ointment, and neochlor
Neo-chlor powder? Give neo-chlor in drinking water,it contains Neomycin - targets e-coli and other bacteria(primarily in digestive system) and Tetracycline - broad spectrum antibiotic works throughout body. Apply antibiotic ointment,Polysporin without pain relief to wound.

If no improvement he may need a stronger antibiotic,but use what you have on hand Neo-chlor.
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Well, the amputation went fine. Used an elastic band as a tourniquet, garden pruners to cut. Took the tourniquet off too early, so he bled a wee bit, but we got it under control, put polysporin straight on and bandaged him up. He ate like a champ almost immediately after! Seems to be doing fine 3 days later, no smell to the stump. He's even crowing again! More info at this thread

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