Serial Perch Bomber - Any Suggestions?


Apr 7, 2021
I have a 6 year old hen who seems to be making a habit out of perch bombing her eggs this year. Three have bit the dust so far.

She's never had a perch bomb other than her first year laying, so I'm not sure why she has decided to go rogue now.

- She has a grass privacy screen up against one of the pen walls in a lean-to/tee-pee shape and
- A triangular shaped nest box, based on the one on the United Peafowl Associations' website.
- Every year I usually set up a collection of leafy branches to mimic a wild area in another corner.
- This year I added a cardboard vegetable box covered with bark. I added this this past week after the first bombed egg and thought maybe it upset her.

The only other difference this year is I put up a new perch. I have made a gable with a "crows next" perch about 12ft high for my IB male in that pen, because he loves the height. The hens could never get up there in the past. With the new 4ft perch position, they can perch hop to get to the 12ft perch with the male. All eggs are getting dropped from that top perch. As much as I'd say maybe she feels nervous getting down from 12ft to lay the egg, she comes down easy enough with her friends... I found them all snacking on last night's egg before I got to it. :hit

Do I just take away the new perch (sad, because they do love it)? Maybe a nest box on the perch? Are there any common causes of perch bombed eggs in peafowl?

I have known breeders that completely remove all the perches during the breeding season. I have lots of perches high enough to walk under and some that are adjustable where I can lower them down to four foot for the season. Eggs don't usually break dropping only four feet onto the grass. Where there is no grass we will put down a layer of hay or pile the grass clippings under the roost.
I was thinking about filling some empty feed bags with straw and putting them under the perch in the evening... but removing the perch seems the simpler option.

It's easier to make good choices when that's the only option available. 😇

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