Set eggs 5-12 Looking for hatching buddies

I'm left with one egg out of my 5/12 setting of 9. Seven of the shipped eggs did not develop at all, one had a blood ring at 3 days and the last one had a pin head size hole in the shell but not in the membrane that I had to seal with a small dot of duct tape because thats the only tape I had, sure hope it's ok. Of course the egg thats got a live bouncing baby in it is my patched egg, go figure. So my one precious little egg is holding on, I'll take even one live hatchling at this point
I was just listening to Peter Brown, an avian vet on the Chicken Whisperer's radio show and he said that there's two periods where you definitely should not handle the eggs because they're at a critical period of development. He said four days and nine days you shouldn't mess with them. Other than that, have the eggs been turned properly? It almost sounds like the embryo might be stuck there?

Oh, dear. I hope I didn't hurt them. I turn them two or three times everyday.
I'm left with one egg out of my 5/12 setting of 9. Seven of the shipped eggs did not develop at all, one had a blood ring at 3 days and the last one had a pin head size hole in the shell but not in the membrane that I had to seal with a small dot of duct tape because thats the only tape I had, sure hope it's ok. Of course the egg thats got a live bouncing baby in it is my patched egg, go figure. So my one precious little egg is holding on, I'll take even one live hatchling at this point
So sorry, hope this fellow hangs on.
I actually just found this forum. I put my eggs in on the 11th. This is my first hatch as well. I have an egg turner, but it just kind of rocks the eggs back and forth. I turn the eggs over once a day and so far everything looks good. I candled a few of the eggs last night for the first time. The wyandotte eggs I bought seem to be doing really well, lots of veining and I could see an embryo. The eggs from my hens looked pretty clear though. After reading this thread though, I think I am going to leave them alone for a while to see if maybe the shells were just too dark for me to see through.
I actually just found this forum. I put my eggs in on the 11th. This is my first hatch as well. I have an egg turner, but it just kind of rocks the eggs back and forth. I turn the eggs over once a day and so far everything looks good. I candled a few of the eggs last night for the first time. The wyandotte eggs I bought seem to be doing really well, lots of veining and I could see an embryo. The eggs from my hens looked pretty clear though. After reading this thread though, I think I am going to leave them alone for a while to see if maybe the shells were just too dark for me to see through.

Welcome aboard!
Your turner is made to rock the eggs back and forth. The large end should be facing up so the embryo has the most space to develop.
Thanks! I had never used a turner before and I got paranoid even though I know it was designed for that job and I turn them over once a day. Should I stop doing that? Just set them with the bigger end up and leave them alone?
I would do either or. Use the turner or take them out of the turner and do it by hand. I use a turner always keeping the fat end of the egg up.

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