Set Eggs April 30th... Whose w/ me?

My daughter and I candlled the 20 eggs left (2 removed on day 7 as no veining or clear). 18 with movement one with a blood ring and one clear (it was already marked with a question mark from before) So 18 little guys Yeah !! This is my 1st time so anxious.Also an interesting development. 1st time I candled there was one egg that was really far along. I think it must have been under my broody hen before she hatched hers ,maybe a late egg? Anyways I set it on the turner but by itself in a corner. Yesterday I noticed a pip mark. I had no where to put it so took out and out in corner of incubatore where there is a space. Slowly unzipped itself and last night emerged. It was trying so crawl all over the tuners so took it out even though not dry and pt it in brooder with 4 dayold banty's. This am dry and running around brooder. The real interesting part is this egg had to have sat unattended in the nest area for 24 hours and then on the dinning room table for another 18 hours before going in brooder. Now my house is 80 and about 60%humidity.(Florida with no air)
So i candled yesterday. one thing i noticed different about this hatch is the veins are a bit thicker than the last hatch but the chicks are moving quite fine except for 2 out of 14 eggs. They are pitch black and i can't see anything... So I think they died. :(. Oh well. 12 eggs is still good. I unplugged 1 of the 2 vents this time because it got hot here in NJ.
I candled this morning! All of the 9 eggs are developing great! I can't believe how fast this time is going! This was only the 2nd time I candled this whole hatch. My last hatch I candled almost every other day! Haha!
I set 2 batches on the 30th. Splash/black ameracaunas and silkies from my own flock. I'm candling tonight since I got busy and missed my 10 day candle. I did do a 5 day just because I happened to be candling other eggs at the time and was curious. Almost every egg at that point was developing. Can't wait to see how they look now!
i feel with this hatch time is going by so slow i guess because i'm not thinking about it too often lol. i do check periodically like every other day to check the humidity. :)
The first to hatch was midnight, had pipped at 10:30 pm. Have the brooder all set up this morning and was about to take him out when I noticed two more pipped. But all looks well and these eggs were set around noon on a Friday so they are on schedule. I'll take some brooder pics this afternoon when a few are in there.
The first to hatch was midnight, had pipped at 10:30 pm. Have the brooder all set up this morning and was about to take him out when I noticed two more pipped. But all looks well and these eggs were set around noon on a Friday so they are on schedule. I'll take some brooder pics this afternoon when a few are in there.

Aw congrats! <3
i feel with this hatch time is going by so slow i guess because i'm not thinking about it too often lol. i do check periodically like every other day to check the humidity. :) 

For me its really slow.. I have turkey eggs in I have 12 days to ggo lol. I am only half way there. Time feels to be crawling by...
I'm a puttz... as wolozits mother likes to call him when he's not thinking straight on the big bang. LOL. It turns out that all 14 eggs are fertile!! I have been candling on the wrong end of the egg. how did i manage that? Omg.. lol. This past week I wrote a letter to my pen pal in the middle of new jersey and just mailed the letter with only half of her address. I am surprised that it got there!!!

So i'm thrilled that all my eggs I have left out of 2 dozen are fertile. The other 10 had cracks.
Ok now this is 1st time I ever candled as well. So now u have me wondering if i am doing it right pointy side down???

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