Set Eggs April 30th... Whose w/ me?

GUYS! I have 5 pips! 5! Geez! It started off as 3 and then within that hour two more popped up!
I am a few hours ahead (set 4/29 9pm)
I have 13 of 35 pipped!!!! One has been pipped for 15 hours there should be a chick soon. The wait is excruciating ......
This morning I woke up to 1 pip and peeps... By the time I got back from shopping (3:00pm) I thought I would have 1 chick. But when i went to check on the eggs I found another had pipped and the first one had no more progress, so hoping that I might have 1-2 chicks by tomorrow.

edit - Instead of double posting, I thought I would edit this to say I'm a chick mommy. I Have 1 chick fully hatched and 4 other eggs pipped. Lot of cheeps.
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Alright. Now I am officially worried. My first baby is fine and in the brooder. I have 6 other pipped eggs (since 6am) with no progress. Also, I have one that died during zipping. :'(
Wowie my chickies are determined little buggers.

Even after the fiasco with the temp dropped for nine hours mid-incubation, I STILL have multiple pips here at the end of day 20. So not only are they on schedule some are even a smidge early!

I'm trying my best to just leave them be and let them get on with it. Inside I'm definitely a little freaked out. Hatch babies hatch!

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