Set eggs February 12th! Hatch a long with me!

Who sure looks like a poult...maybe it's a turkey EE cross
That is not possible.... right?

Whatever it is, it sure is cute!
So far,
2 Brahma crosses
1 Red mix
1 (not sure what it is )probably EE something...or a poult....LOL

2 eggs pipped, partially zipped and dead
2 zipping now....ETA Little black chick just hatched...
and a few more with pips...but those pips have been there since yesterday...tomorrow is day 21 ended at 7 pm...

*****still wondering what a turkey egg LOOKS like*****************
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So far,
2 Brahma crosses
1 Red mix
1 (not sure what it is )probably EE something...or a poult....LOL

2 eggs pipped, partially zipped and dead
2 zipping now....ETA Little black chick just hatched...
and a few more with pips...but those pips have been there since yesterday...tomorrow is day 21 ended at 7 pm...

*****still wondering what a turkey egg LOOKS like*****************

Hmm. I am thinking maybe it isn't a turkey.
idunno.gif now that poster has me second guessing sure does look like a turkey....
Incubation for a turkey is supposed to be 28 days....maybe it IS a turkey/EE

Here's turkey eggs......they are white/cream colored with brown speckles.

Poult...has a little bump on top of head, at the base of the beak where a chicken's comb would can see the little bump in this picture.

Hope this helps.....
Bator 1:, DAY 21
Ameraucauna: start 13, 11 into lockdown, 8 hatched, 3 are pipped
Blue laced Red wyandotte: start 3, 2 into lockdown, one pip
Silver spangled hamburg: start 2, 2 into lockdown, 2 hatched
Polish: start 4, 2 into lockdown, 1 pips
Sizzles: start 19, 14 into lockdown, 6 hatched, 4 pipped

Bator 2: went into lockdown today, so DAY 18

Swedish flower hens: start: 11, 8 into lockdown
Cream Legbar: start 11, 8 into lockdown, still in bator

Grand total: start 63, 48 into lockdown, 17 hatched, 9 pipped, waiting on 22 more...

When I got back from work today, there were 16 chicks hatched instead of the 5 I left when I went to work. Since I've been home, one more hatched and two more are in the process of ?zipping. Hope to see some more hatch before bedtime!!
Ha, yes, so painful to watch...easier just to step away and check back for progress every 10-15 minutes. I did get to actually watch my first chick hatch with my daughter which was amazing. We actually got it on video. Glad to hear it's normal and that I wasn't cooking them!


My little guy with the stuck eyes is doing great! The one hasn't been stuck since earlier today, and the other was a few more times, but everytime I check they are now open.

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