Set eggs February 12th! Hatch a long with me!

I need advice...

Today is day 24 of incubation and yesterday four chicks hatched. I just had to help one of the 4 chicks hatch out of there egg last night. It was pipping for over 30 hours but couldn't make any progress. When I took the egg shell and eventually the membrane off the chick, I soon realized she had a super thick rubbery membrane. There is no way she could have got out of that. Do you think the other eggs could have this same problem but maybe can't pip?
I have 14 more eggs in there that haven't pipped at all. Will they still hatch? Should I candle them to see their progress? How much longer should I wait?
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Good Morning folks.  I am looking for advice on the best gauge to use for humidity  and temp in the incubator.  Probe or digital you put inside.  Thanks!

I'm using this:
I did the salt test and it was off by 5% so i have to add 5 to all my readings, but that sounds like what everyone has so do to. I've tested it a couple of times to make sure it really was off. I had a great hatch too.
I need advice...

Today is day 24 of incubation and yesterday four chicks hatched. I just had to help one of the 4 chicks hatch out of there egg last night. It was pipping for over 30 hours but couldn't make any progress. When I took the egg shell and eventually the membrane off the chick, I soon realized she had a super thick rubbery membrane. There is no way she could have got out of that. Do you think the other eggs could have this same problem but maybe can't pip?
I have 14 more eggs in there that haven't pipped at all. Will they still hatch? Should I candle them to see their progress? How much longer should I wait?

i would guess those guys are not going to hatch. if they haven't pipped they are just not going to do it. at this point you probably don't want them to hatch. they would be weak, probably have curled toes or other issues. You can leave the incubator on for a fews more hours, but if you don't have a pip you wont have any more chicks.
it's the hard part of incubating, but not all egg are created equal. you want the strongest chicks in your flock. it's easier to let a chick never hatch than have to cull it because it is suffering. (IMO)
i would guess those guys are not going to hatch. if they haven't pipped they are just not going to do it. at this point you probably don't want them to hatch. they would be weak, probably have curled toes or other issues. You can leave the incubator on for a fews more hours, but if you don't have a pip you wont have any more chicks.
it's the hard part of incubating, but not all egg are created equal. you want the strongest chicks in your flock. it's easier to let a chick never hatch than have to cull it because it is suffering. (IMO)

Well I am still going to wait. I just candled 3 eggs. Of the three, two eggs were all black (meaning there is a chick inside) but I could not see a beak through the air cell. When I tapped on the eggs they did not chirp back so I am assuming that maybe they are still absorbing the yolk sac and maybe they will hatch in a couple days? They need oxygen in order to chirp and if they haven't punctured the air sac then they don't have air yet. They also feel a little lighter then an eating egg. I really hope they hatch.
I need advice...

Today is day 24 of incubation and yesterday four chicks hatched. I just had to help one of the 4 chicks hatch out of there egg last night. It was pipping for over 30 hours but couldn't make any progress. When I took the egg shell and eventually the membrane off the chick, I soon realized she had a super thick rubbery membrane. There is no way she could have got out of that. Do you think the other eggs could have this same problem but maybe can't pip?
I have 14 more eggs in there that haven't pipped at all. Will they still hatch? Should I candle them to see their progress? How much longer should I wait?

Day 24? I would take a look myself....
I'm day 22 and am thinking I'll pull the plug on these last 9 unpipped least by tomorrow.
Total of 55 eggs in the Hovabator:
That is the same incubator I am using! This is my first hatch and am having a hard time figuring out how to add water to's also so hard to see the channels in the tray to tell if it needs water. Do you lift the eggs out to check and add water?
I know in my incubator it is hard to see the place to add water, i use a syring to add it throught the holes of the wire and had to guestimate the amount of water need until I got the hang of it. I found that in my incubator small amounts work best, but i only add water when the humidty reads lower then 50 on days 1-18. This probibly didn't give much help but i wish you luck
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