Set eggs February 12th! Hatch a long with me!

Update: Put my eggs in lockdown today
Hope they make it because I had a spike in temp while I was at school today
Definately not my best hatch rate. 4 sterile eggs, 4 had been alive but never pipped, 4 pipped/zipped/died after hatching. 6 live chicks & 1 egg left that still has faint cheeping inside but no external pip - yet. Put 5 out in the real brooder, 1 still inside in a sm brooder box.

On the 28th I'll set EE eggs being donated by a friend I gave a Roo to. Hope for better result next time.

These are the 5 chicks just before I moved them to the Brooder house. Center top and bottom left are the 2 Cochin mix. Already named the top one "Tony if male, Toni if female" (because it's two Tone color). Center chick is the one silkie. The two grey ones are the pure Blue Cochins.

I'm anxiouse for the yellow colored chick to dry out so I tell it's true colors. I had marked the egg as a pure Cochin, but it might be a Light Brahma/Cochin mix.

They are all eating & drinking well, even the slightly damp chick.
That is the same incubator I am using! This is my first hatch and am having a hard time figuring out how to add water to's also so hard to see the channels in the tray to tell if it needs water. Do you lift the eggs out to check and add water?
I add water with a straw and a tiny funnel. The "funnel" is actually one of those little black pieces that doctors use to look inside your ears. The straw fits through one of the vent holes. I have marked the spot to add water so I'm adding to the same section each time. I marked a small area with blue painters tape on the metal screen that I know the straw can reach easily.. I also color the water with food dye so I can see how high the water is.
I took a length of aquarium tubing and ran it thru a vent hole (taped around the tubing) then thru the screen (had to enlarge the screen hole just a little) and into the channel (to one side of the auto turner). I then take a needle-less hypo (TSC has them) and shoot hot tap water thru the tubing.

Amazing how many work-arounds we all use!

I add water with a straw and a tiny funnel. The "funnel" is actually one of those little black pieces that doctors use to look inside your ears. The straw fits through one of the vent holes. I have marked the spot to add water so I'm adding to the same section each time. I marked a small area with blue painters tape on the metal screen that I know the straw can reach easily.. I also color the water with food dye so I can see how high the water is.
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