Setting Eggs 3/10 or 3/11 - Join Me?

Contests to everybody with babies so far!

We have one chick so far. FBCM x Silver laced cochin. I will try to post pics tomorrow after she's all dried off and fluffy. No other pips yet. 8 more to go.
Great hatches so far everyone!

We now have 1 hatched, and 5 pipped.

Here is to a healthy, happy hatch and a fun Saturday.
Three out, and a fourth is zipping!

My incubator is stuffed to the gills, and the third chick was fully zipped, but his egg was lying sideways between the front of the 'bator and three other eggs. So he just couldn't get out. He had his beak out and was breathing fine, but I knew it would be a long time before he'd get the strength to somehow un-wedge himself. And he happened to be right below the little vent stook a skinny chopstick in the hole and gently flipped his egg up. In less than a second, he sprung his body out of that egg and onto the eggs next to him. He was ready to be out!

That little chopstick trick only works with an egg that's directly below the vent hole, in a Brinsea that's stuffed with 28 eggs on hatch day, but still. I'm awfully proud of myself. :)
Well I am happy to say that after the temps in the bator got down to 75 due to power outage, I have 2 chicks that have hatched and another almost out and several pipped. I figured they would be late if they even hatched but seems to be right on time. :weee
Be patient! (Hahahahahah, I'm terrible at this.) Sometimes they make you wait, and it all happens at once.

I am really worried now! Still nothing!!! they were rocking around like crazy on thursday and no movement yesterday. still nothing today. its day 22. does this happen often???
Update here:

We have two chicks! Second one (another Buff Orpington) finally hatched around 8 p.m. There are over a dozen pips, can't count them all. With 28 crammed into the Brinsea, it's going to get interesting!

So far, the two hatched are super cute - they nestle in between the eggs and fall asleep. Sometimes I can only see their heads between the eggs, and it's just a perfect picture. Every time I go check on them, they clamor toward the light I'm using to see them better.

My husband and I don't sleep far from where the incubator is. I have a feeling it will be a very noisy night - these two like to talk.

awwwww that is great !!!!! You are going to have chicks gallor !!!!!
Saturday morning update: There are at least a dozen chicks in there! And more zipping. It's a big party, I tell you. Trying to decide whether or not to open the Brinsea and get them out, or just leave 'em there. They're doing well, and there's always a few wet ones + some zipping, so I'm hesitant to open it. I think I'll keep waiting.

Every time I shine a flashlight in there to see how things are going, they chicks all huddle toward me to see the funny light. I'm afraid they're going to hurt each other with all of their zeal, so I try not to shine the light too often.

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