Setting eggs 6-18 anyone with me

i set eggs yesturday. i set a ton...

EE 12,
BR 5,
BO 2,
Golden Lakenvelder 2,
Blue Andalusian 3,
Blue/Black and Blue Wheaten Ameraucana 23,
F2OE 6,
F1OE 3,
g 1,
7 MIX BREED brown eggs,

GOOD LUCK!! you picked such beautiful chickens hope all goes well
HI Everyone
I am setting Lavender orp eggs when they come in this week,will be shipped to me tomorrow so should come i think about thursday or friday(hopefully)
I will be a litte after all you guys but can i join too?
My second hatch..well my first as my first batch of eggs didnt hatch one out .Dont know what happened but am trying a few different things this time and hope to get a couple chicks this time
HI Everyone
I am setting Lavender orp eggs when they come in this week,will be shipped to me tomorrow so should come i think about thursday or friday(hopefully)
I will be a litte after all you guys but can i join too?
My second hatch..well my first as my first batch of eggs didnt hatch one out .Dont know what happened but am trying a few different things this time and hope to get a couple chicks this time
of course you can join!! hope you have a great hatch im expecting a few chicks myself
Wow, glad to see so many joining in, yeah!!! It's a lot more fun when we can share the good, the bad and the what do I do now with others!!! I'm expecting some Light Brahma SQ eggs in the mail this week and will have to figure out what, where and when to get them going, my plan is to use them to improve my hatchery LBs. I have 3 LG bators but one is out on loan, one goes into lock down tomorrow and one just got filled Sunday and Monday so not sure yet where the new eggs will go, maybe my loaned bator will be ready to come home. I really want to hatch these eggs in a separate bator away from my LBs. I like the unique type of birds. I've had the LBs for a little over a year now. I and added the Salmon Faverolles and Dorkings this year, all very young, under a month. Hoping to have some fun and learn a ton about breeding the Dorkings and the SF are just too cool and funny not to want, lol.... That is it for me, keeping 3 breeds and 3 coops and 3 pens is going to be a challenge in the winter but I choose all winter hardy birds, my only real concern is the large comb on the Dorkings. I'm looking forward to hatching with you all, seeing you beautiful chicks and having some fun. Be safe all and happy hatching!!!!! Here are a few of this years chick so far. Also sold a bunch of LB chicks already.

There are only 2 Dorkings, they are in the 2nd picture. The dark ones in with the SFs. I'm so excited to have 12 more in my bator. They are all from the same stock so I am looking for different stock if you find any keep me posted. Mine came from Muddy Hoof Farm, in Lubec Maine. I know she is also a BYCer but not sure of her screen name on here. Google Muddy Hoof Farm, very nice lady. If you don't find her here, add her to your facebook, if you have FB. And if not let me know and I'll get her info, right now I'm off to get ready for work, such a 4 letter word, lol....

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